From wd to vws

I used VWS and used the data for WD, but is it also possible to use WD and use a datafile to VWS. When I used VWS for WD I missed my leaf wetness and soil moisture data, so I stopped that process.

under setup, misc/extra, tick to create a data.csv file for vws (words to that effect)
and then you can set vws to stationsless mode to read that file (from wd’s logfiles folder)


thanks, but the temperature is a little too high. something like 33 instead of 8

others have this working OK
what is going wrong?
the data.csv file is the imperial units file from vws
data2.csv is the metric one

but maybe if you have vws in metric, then data.csv is in metric too?> (but wd aassumes its not)

Brian, when I use data or data2 I both get no the best results back. Yes. I use wd metric (old Europe is metric). Can I do something or just forget it?

Can I do something or just forget it?
dont give up just like that what it will mean is i just have to put in an option in to say the data is metric in the data.csv file email me your currrent data.csv file

I am running VWS and letting WD read the data.csv file. Being in the US both my VWS and WD are set to US units. However, it works great.

Here is WDL running on VWS data:

Try setting both VWS and WD to metric. It should work.

Make sure you are using the right file. It should be in your stations data folder. c:\vws\stations\your_station_name\data\csv\data.csv

i got the email
i saved the data.csv file to a directory
then in wd i ticked to use read from a VWS data.csv file in the statonless weather station type setup, then click on , select the data.csv file
and all is OK
(6.7oC in WD)
(after I restarted WD)

maybe email me your settings file, wdisplay.ini from c:\windows or c:\winnt

hi Brian,
thanks for your email, but I asked for using the wd file in VWS. when I see your answer and I try to translate it seems that you use the file in WD.
And I just like to use the VWS because I bought that software 2 years ago in the US to “play” with degrees days and warnings.

oh, i thought that was the way you meant
i dont have vws here, so i cant test, but I no others have this working OK too, but not sure about metric use in vws and the data.csv file…maybe then vws expects it to have oC in it and not oF
WD does have degrees days in the Noaa report in the averages/extreme report


no problem. Will try to do it different. I am very happy with these degrees days, but for some agricultural problems it is nice to count with these degree days after January 1 to predict some natural processes: flowering, insects coming, Etc.
but thanks anyway,


in wd, click on records to date for the year
and then the noaa report will have the whole year data
(but I just noticed a bug with the new format of the averages/extreme, doing that blanks out the noaa report)
uploading a fix for that now