The forum sure is quiet these days! :?
Tb 8)
The forum sure is quiet these days! :?
Tb 8)
still pretty busy from where I sit
maybe you have a cache problem?
Hey Brian
I thought everyone had left the Forum. I haven’t seen anything posted in days…
Do you know if Julian got the request about the Heat Index?
The forum sure is quiet these days!
It’s only a few days since we hit 20,000 posts and we’re up to 20,083 now, so it’s not that quiet.
yes he did
and he replied to it by the looks, as I got a reply too
the heat index is in the clientraw.txt file
he said he will make an option in the next wdl upgrade to use that
that is what he put in email to you
i t was very busy day for me yesterday, we sold our cows
and i found it hard to answer 10 emails from you , but I think I got there in the end, LOL
so hopefully you didnt think i was ignoring you
maybe something is up with your email/internet/cache?
off with girls to soccer now…
so out for a few hours now
Sold the cows and i saw in another post your moving house if so we can expect your weather site etc to be off line.
You sold your cows? Is this something the dairy farmers do regulary, or is something wrong with the dairy industry there?
Sorry about 10 email, and I have to wonder how long they have been stacking up? I haven’t been getting anything for many days, and nothing is showing up on the forum.
Maybe something is wrong with my internet settings.
Tb - :oops:
I’ll include an option in the next version of WDL to change between humidex and heat index. The max/min in the clientraw is in humidex though so it might be confusing unless Brian can add that to the clientraw to allow the choice. I did reply to your email - honest!
You’re going to miss those cows…!! :lol:
yeah, they arrived all at once, but a problem with your email server/isp would explain that…
yes, we are putting a “sharemilker” on (i.e they have their own cows)
so no more milking cows for me
we share the milk income and costs
(i.e provide the land/house/facilities)
and so we have had to find somewhere else to live
we shift on tuesday, so i will be off line for a bit
yes, the cows have kept me sane
yes, i will keep my station here going via a pc in the garage and a phone line
and i will set up the davis VP i have at the new house, and have a new weather page for that one
Hummm, does this mean you will be mooving somewhere that will allow highspeed internet?
I did some heavy duty cache cleaning, and I’m now able to see the posts on the Forum again.
I haven’t been receiving emails thought, so more searching may be in order.
Thanks Julian for considering the option on the heat index, and humidex display on WDL.
Tb 8)
no, i cant get high speed internet there either, at the moment
but i am making some enquires