Forum migration imminent!

Tonight’s the night. After a lot of tweaking, modifying, doubling the size of the conversion software, testing, re-testing and a whole load of other things, it’s finally time to move to the new forum software. I’m going for something to eat and to get the kids off to bed and then it’s time to make the leap into the future.

The new forum looks different, especially with it’s new blue theme, but it does most of the same things as the old forum, as well as a few new things too. I’m sure you’ll find your way round without too much difficulty.

The forum address will be changing, but for web users I’ll put a re-direct in to point you to the right place. RSS users will need to adjust the URLs they point to (but more of that once we’ve moved).

I hope you like it…and I’m sure you’ll tell me if you don’t!

Hey, looking smart!
good work Chris
(after I found my last password activation email, LOL)

Wow - scared me for a minute!
I must have caught you in the middle of your transfer - did not get a re-direct - just a “page can not be displayed” on the old link.

Pretty cool looking… Like the clean looking graphics at the top :slight_smile:

Looks good to me. Only slight problem is I’ve got a ‘new’ icon next to every post so it’s going to take a while to work out what’s new and what isn’t! Secondly the ‘Mark as unread’ icon is missing. Otherwise very good! :smiley:


I just got rid of all the “new” icons - just hit “mark as read” - figured I’d just do them all now so I’m up to date.

Looking good, great job Chris! =D>

I could swear there was something… I don’t know… different about this forum earlier today… hum… 8)

Looks nice. I must admit I missed the notification of the change taking place, and couldn’t access the site. I tried again later, and thought I was in the wrong place! Thanks for all the hard work, it is appreciated. I do like the spell check feature. Hope it’s for UK English, and not US English :lol: :lol:

Looks cool

Just testing out some of the font features to see what happens
scary but i like

preview handy :smiley:

Well done Chris :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Wind from the East at 2mph

what i like is,show unread post since last visit, at the top… 8)

[color=Green]Love the new site, pity a post I made early today got lost in the changover.[/color]

the RSS feed got broken, do you have a new URL for it? :frowning:

he did post something about that…in announcements…i think
i.e try cahnging the URL…i.,e use smf instead of the phpforum that was there, or something along those lines

:BIG: :onfire: =D> to Chris

hehe I love

Hum, My mark as read button is dead other than that it looks good.

works for me… allows me to set an entire topic as read… is that different from before?

I’ve got a note to post more about this later today, but for now, use something like…;sa=news;type=rss;action=.xml;limit=10

Sorry about that. You were on of two users on-line when I turned off access to the old forum. I thought it would stop you accessing once you’d finished posting, but I guess it’s more strict than that :frowning: