Forecast icon telling rain when it's sunny?

Hi all,
For days now I’ve been puzzled about the forecast icon. When I set my Daily Weather Icon to sunny, it changes back to Rain after a few seconds. It hasn’t been raining here for days and the humidity is 47%. Have I misadjusted a setting somewhere?

Cees Cappelle

maybe you have it set to use the forecast icon from the weather station?
(check in the summary image and icon setup)

maybe you have it set to use the forecast icon from the weather station? (check in the summary image and icon setup)
Okay, unticked both Use and Show WMetc forecast Icon. Set it to Sunny, changed back to Cloudy Periods. I don't have a solar sensor on this Conrad Weather station. It changes after a screen refresh (don't know the intervals). It changes on the main window and consequently on the webpages. Is it just some calculated threshold?

cloudy periods: that sounds like the default icon…(partly cloudy actuialy)
when you choose an icon under input daily weather, and you want wd to keep that one, you need to tick, use this icon as the main screen icon

Hi cloudy periods: that sounds like the default icon...(partly cloudy actuialy)icon
That did it, Tnx^6