I have stopped receiving downloads for the forecast for my zone from NOAA. Is anybody able to get zone caz050? The last download was yesterday afternoon.
My zone has been updating normally today, and looking at your zone file, ftp://weather.noaa.gov/data/forecasts/zone/ca/caz050.txt , it appears to be fairly current…
No issues for me …
Edit: To clarify, my zone is NOT caz050 but it is flz025, which has been downloading normally…
Thanks Jax. I used the link you sent me, and I was able to connect at work. I tried to connect from home, and the web browser just sits there, never able to get to the page.
This is what my ftpupd.exe is showing me. It sits there for about 6 minutes or so before quitting. This looks like a local machine issue. What could I have changed?
Logging onto FTP server…
No FTP server specified
Logging onto NOAA FTP server…
Connecting to FTP server.
When all else fails… reboot. #-o It is working now.
Well glad you got it working… The tip being you could connect from one location by browser but not another by browser… That always spells Connectivity or individual machine issues…