Floating webcam

If I open the floating webcam window I can not close it anymore.
There is no frame to rezise or close.

How can I close this windows ?


(New features are graet)

Click on ‘View’ then the off button below the Floating image icon.

How do you bring it back up after turning it off?

click to view it again in the view panel should work


I used to bring it up just by “right clicking” on the webcam image in the main screen and then the option floating web cam.
Thaty is why i did not found it to switch it of.

But with the new stream function i probally won’t use it anymore. :lol:

i could have that right mouse click as a toggle then (to turn on , then turn off)
i have told the author of the component about the floating web cam not working if the streaming is enabled…
(but i could add option to start up a floating web cam image first if streaming is working,that might work)

That should be nice…
But is it neccessarely ?
For me, I will use the streaming function now instead of the floating function.


On my computer, floting and streaming are working together.
But I had to play a bit.
Cheers. 8)

On my computer, floting and streaming are working together. But I had to play a bit.
the trick is to enable the streaming after viewing the floadting cam,.,...I will get wd to do that,.,,,auto and see if that works, yes?