Finding the Comm # for USB to Serial adapter

Is there any easy way to figure out which Comm port a USB to Serial adapter is using. I can’t seem to get the IButton viewer to work ??

Thanks in advance for any help.



Just a shot in the dark but:

Right click on My Computer
Device Manager
Ports COM &LPT

…and I think you will see a com port that is not a physical port.

yes, device manager should show it
but, its a stange thing
my dallas 1 wire USB adaptor is port #1
(and yet I actualy have a com port 1)

also try using the i button viewer to see what it says is the com number allocated

I gave up on the USB to serial converter and just put another comm port card in and have the 1-wire sensors back up and working. I’ll fool with the USB to Serial converter at a later date. At least I have my “crawl space” temp back up for the Winter and that’s what I wanted. As always “thanks” for everyone’s input.


