
I have returned to the land of the living…

nice job, ex zombie :stuck_out_tongue:

After I finish mowing the lawn, I might be a zombie.

Rain, humidity and heat. Yep, looks green with all the clover and unusual weeds out there. Maybe I can get some teen to think they are smokable, tell the feds that I have Weed and Grass and have them remove it. After all they are weeds and grasses out there, just nothing worth the trouble

I really have felt guilty ( I think Brian has some subliminal message that makes this happen in the software ) by not using WD, then commenting on this board about things. I am going to need to shut it down 0ne day, reboot and clear out the memory registers. Composing web stuff competes even with a gig of memory.

I just have to figure out some things. Well Back to the land of the zombies - or lawn or whatever. Dang the wife is calling .

dont worry
your not the only yo yo, LOL
at least you are nice about it all ardvark :slight_smile:

well, the wife wants to come to NZ and I can’t convince her that getting in the crate is one way to go.

Actually, I am a patient person. Only a few things upset me and you are not even on the list.

Finished with the yard and garden. Now we had 0.18 inches of rain, 87% humidity, 73.5 F . more rain tonight. BUT in Iowa this is normal. July and August can be very hot , humid and dry.

Still have some things to work on the site yet, but have had 45 hits on the counter so far. Only one grump - said it takes a while to download on his 56K modem. Oh well. I’ll see what I can do about that. I think its the extra graphics on the home page. I can move them some where else.

I am also going to work with the wxml a bit for a forecast. Yet, things look great here.

Glad to be back. Now have to fit wife in crate. :roll: