
Anything Weather is finally back. Do we have to sign up again?

i dont think so…

the new mouse over maps look good :slight_smile:

yes that is a very slick map… :slight_smile:

It may be slick but why is our sites not showing up?

It may be slick but why is our sites not showing up?
I guess they don't want our data anymore. I am still sending data but my station is no longer showing up either. :x

there was a change needed in the ftp process
i.e, you need to be using at least 10.12r of WD and the latest ftpupd.exe program that comes with that install

they still want your data, no worries there :slight_smile:

I’m using 10.12t and nothing is showing up? Maybe they haven’t finshed with the month long change over. :frowning:

I'm using 10.12t and nothing is showing up? Maybe they haven't finshed with the month long change over. :(
Me Too.

My data is showing up fine.


For you guys that’s sites are working did they change your stations name? I have sent multiple emails to AW with no replys and my station is still no showing up unless they changed the name of my station. It was

I think Greg is still just finishing up his latest tornado chase tour
multiple emails dont sound good…
you should wait to hear back …i.e he only has slow on the road connection while he is on tour…and so multiple emails will just clog up his inbox
(i.e they have launched the site before Greg got back)

Well maybe that was the issue. I haven’t sent any to Greg just to Bill Combes. I’ll try to be patient but that’s not in my nature as you know Brian. :?

well, i dont know Bill, I cant vouch for him at all.
If there is a contact person, other than Greg, then they should at least acknowlede an email in 24 hours you would think :wink:
I have talked to Greg on the phone…nice guy :slight_smile: