File upload

Hi Brian,

Under FTP/Internet setup, Connections I have entered a remote directory. All the files are uploaded on my web in that directory but still there are some files also uploaded in the root. Do you know what can be wrong? Did I miss some parameter somewhere? I use the Internet file creation and upload and make use of an individual webpage as you know :slight_smile:



its not done on purpose…
i know a few others have reported that
keep an eye on the ftplogfull.txt file…and to see if it misses changing directory…?
but i do have a check in place that it wont upload a index.html if it has missed (i.e an error) , changing the remote directory

The index.html is uploaded in the desired directory. May I know what reason it has to upload some file in the root of the website?



its not doing it no purpose:
i.e it should not be doing it
carefully have a look at the file ftpuploadfull.txt to see if you can see where its going wrong

Ok, I’m going to take a look at that file but the strange thing is that it don’t happens all the time. Also the ftp logfile only gives information about the latest update so I have to look each 30 mins in the root on my site and when it happens again I have to look before the next update in the log. This may take some time as I’m not 24/24 hrs behind my PC. The latest time it happened was yesterday at 16:30.

Look at the date/time of the files on the ftp site that are in the wrong directory. I occassionally find a set of files under the root rather than in the upload directory. They all have the same date and approx time. What I assume happened is that the CWD command failed and the upload when into the current directory.

Yes indeed, I also think it’s a command problem which changes the dir. I’m trying to figure out why it happens. For today I had no wrong uploads so far. I’ll keep an eye on it…