Ok , can you check now ? The permission was still not ok , but I fixed it manuelt . Now it is ok . Can you check also the weather forecast ? There is some fails also .
Did you check my last post, just above yours?
Reply #19 on: Today at 13:13:13 »
You need to add the CURL component to your private webserver. That is a very standard component.
Otherwise NONe of the external files can be loaded from yr.no and other companies who supply you with interesting data.
Sorry , I noticed that now. I will install it. Thanks!
Now, everything looks fine.
When I click on 360 days, 30 days and today ,it’s coming this fail (picture). What can be the reason of ?
Those graphs should be based on your stations past data.
Two sources are possible: Check your settings.
According to the messages on the graphs you choose WU.
If you are uploading to WeatherUnderground
=> then you can use WeatherUnderground as source.
But you have to set the startdate of uploading and the WU-station-name in the settings. For now they seem not specified
Otherwise the PWS_Dashboard scripts can store your daily measurements in text-files to be used for the graphs.
That will take a few days before the graphs can be drawn.
You need to run cron-jobs every 5 minutes and two once/day crons to allow the scripts to get your data stored into grpahs files.
Read here => https://pwsdashboard.com/documentation1912/cron.pdf
You opened another topic also, http://discourse.weather-watch.com/
You should close that.
I will close this ticket, if you run into new problems please open a new ticket with a “to the point” topic description.
Succes with enhancing your first website.
There is more information in the documentation at https://pwsdashboard.com/
Thank you , Wim!
Hi ,
Аfter 4 years of not maintaining the site I am now trying to install PWS Dashboard again. But this time I’m using a hosting provider.I tried to upload the site . And when I open the Install page ,I get that :
I use FileZilla to upload the files .
Can someboby help me here?
Hi Gogy1,
Better continue with the installation so that we can run the test proghrams.
Seems the settings for downloading files from other websites could be too restrictive.
But hat can be changed by your provider if necessary.
So run ./pwsWD/PWS_easyweathersetup.php and do a basic setup.
Then we can test the load files scripts to see if there are problems to solve.
I did some settings .Here is the result
This is the result of loading external files.
No success, only "empty data " results.
Seems your provider blocks loading data from external websites.
Which provider are you using? You should ask their support-staff what they can do or what you need to do.
PWS_load_files.php(23) loaded =>PWS_load_files.php|01|2023-10-31|
PWS_load_files.php (27) include =>PWS_settings.php
PWS_settings.php (28) version =>PWS_settings.php|01|2023-10-31|
PWS_settings.php (32) include =>/home/www/norddyroy.com/pwsWD/_my_settings/settings.php
PWS_settings.php (176) $defaultlanguage=nn-no $used_lang =nn-no $locale_wu=no-NO $lang_locale=nn $lang_file=/home/www/norddyroy.com/pwsWD/languages/lang_no.txt
PWS_settings.php (285) $units_used =scandinavia $windunit=m/s $tempunit=C $rainunit=mm $pressureunit=hPa $distanceunit=km $wu_unit=m
PWS_load_files.php (507) WU-ccn________: time spent: 0.0579 - CURL OK for https://api.weather.com/v2/pws/observations/current?stationId=INORDD12&format=json&units=m&numericPrecision=decimal&apiKey=_API_SETTING_
PWS_load_files.php (517) WU-ccn________: time spent: 0.0579 - empty data or wrong file permissions for https://api.weather.com/v2/pws/observations/current?stationId=INORDD12&format=json&units=m&numericPrecision=decimal&apiKey=_API_SETTING_ Old data will be used /home/www/norddyroy.com/pwsWD/jsondata/wucom.txtrnm
PWS_load_files.php (194) METAR-ENOL____: not loaded API=ADD YOUR API KEY
PWS_load_files.php (507) WU_forecast___: time spent: 0.0005 - CURL OK for https://api.weather.com/v3/wx/forecast/daily/5day?geocode=63.7,4.34&format=json&units=s&language=no-NO&apiKey=_API_SETTING_
PWS_load_files.php (517) WU_forecast___: time spent: 0.0005 - empty data or wrong file permissions for https://api.weather.com/v3/wx/forecast/daily/5day?geocode=63.7,4.34&format=json&units=s&language=no-NO&apiKey=_API_SETTING_ Old data will be used /home/www/norddyroy.com/pwsWD/jsondata/wufct_no-NO_s.txtrnm
PWS_load_files.php (232) Darksky_______: not loaded API=ADD YOUR API KEY
PWS_load_files.php (507) yrno_metno_fct: time spent: 0.0013 - CURL OK for https://api.met.no/weatherapi/locationforecast/2.0/complete?lat=63.7&lon=4.34
PWS_load_files.php (517) yrno_metno_fct: time spent: 0.0013 - empty data or wrong file permissions for https://api.met.no/weatherapi/locationforecast/2.0/complete?lat=63.7&lon=4.34 Old data will be used /home/www/norddyroy.com/pwsWD/jsondata/metno2complete.jsonrnm
PWS_load_files.php (276) Aeris_________: not loaded keys=ADD YOUR API KEY ADD YOUR API KEY
PWS_load_files.php (296) EC-weather____: Environement Canada: not used
PWS_load_files.php (470) Earthquakes___: File not old enough (251/600 seconds) http://www.norddyroy.com/pwsWD/PWS_quakes_load.php?json
PWS_load_files.php (507) Aurora-kindex_: time spent: 0.0526 - CURL OK for https://services.swpc.noaa.gov/json/planetary_k_index_1m.json
PWS_load_files.php (517) Aurora-kindex_: time spent: 0.0526 - empty data or wrong file permissions for https://services.swpc.noaa.gov/json/planetary_k_index_1m.json Old data will be used /home/www/norddyroy.com/pwsWD/jsondata/kindex.txtrnm
PWS_load_files.php (332) AQ-Davis______: Davis AQ sensor not used
PWS_load_files.php (343) AQ-Luftdaten__: luftdaten sensor not used
PWS_load_files.php (361) AQ-Purpleair__: purplair sensor not used
PWS_load_files.php (373) AQ-official___: goverment aqi not used
PWS_load_files.php (385) Weatherflow___: WeatherFlow device not used
PWS_load_files.php (470) WU-today-CSV__: File not old enough (1574/1800 seconds) http://www.norddyroy.com/pwsWD/PWS_DailyHistory.php?ID=INORDD12&graphspan=day&day&month&year&format=1
PWS_load_files.php (470) WU-month-CSV__: File not old enough (1574/14400 seconds) http://www.norddyroy.com/pwsWD/PWS_DailyHistory.php?ID=INORDD12&graphspan=custom&year=2024&month=07&day=31&yearend=2024&monthend=08&dayend=31&format=1
PWS_load_files.php (470) WU-year-CSV___: File not old enough (1574/43200 seconds) http://www.norddyroy.com/pwsWD/PWS_DailyHistory.php?ID=INORDD12&graphspan=custom&year=2023&month=09&day=31&yearend=2024&monthend=08&dayend=31&format=1
I see, I use free hosting from Freehostia . But I bought the doment from them . So maybe I have to speak with them .
Which function must be aktived in the Hostings dashboard ? Maybe I did’t sett somthing .
There exist multiple and very different hosting packages and tools.
There are multiple versions of PHP.
I have no idea why it is not working at your site and / or if it is a setting you can modify yourself.
You should ask the support persons at the provider,
Hi Wim,
I paid the better hosting and now it works . Can you check now ? Thank you.
Looks OK to me here
Thank you . I will try to link my web camera now .