Extra Real time graph, wrong scale

Extra Real time graph has wrong scale on the right hand side

See image


Plot shows 24 degs (which is correct) scale shows just above 16 deg

This is 10.15D but was the same on 10.10

the scale on the graph itself is not the scale for the two temperatures you are plotting. You’ll notice two additional scales to the right - one blue, one white. Those are the scales to use. They appear to be correct.

I see, but what is the scale for, being there and wrong makes it very confusing

that scale is for the 2nd sensor plot line
but because you dont have that shown, then I need to make that scale disappear

i will do that, and upload a fresh version

i am hoping that the latest version should be better,…i.e no right hand scale if not #1 extre temperature shown on the graph