Experiencing sway with my antenna mast

From reading through this thread it appears to me that the problem is entirely to do with the fence post. It is just not a firm enough mount to start with. Guy wires would need to go perpendicular to the fence line and that would intrude into the neighbour’s yard. They won’t like that!
What is really needed is to move your mount off that flimsy fence. Is it possible to move the maast against the house and stay from the roof level. That is how mine is setup. I have about 20 feet of inch and a quarter water pipe from the ground. It is braced at the top of the block wall, about 8 feet above ground. That was fine at first as it only help my TV antenna. But after adding the Vantage Pro Plus I noticed it moved around in the breeze just a bit more then I thought it should. Two short stays off the roof soon fixed that and it as very stable now.
Another option is to install an outdoor TV antenna and mount the anometer just above the antenna. Tell them it is a new fandangle antenna with this gismo for keeping birds off the antenna :lol:

Chris, I don’t think I would even have enough room in my backyard, anyhow. We just got a deck built, which takes up about half of the yard, so there isn’t much room left at all.

Qwarla, I doubt the association will even allow that. :frowning: :roll:

Now, the woman that lives across the street (head of the neighborhood association) is thinking about moving to Florida sometime soon, so I am praying for that. [-o< :wink: :lol:



Ohhh how nice send the mean lady my way HUH :stuck_out_tongue:

I bet Tim when he looks to buy his first house will ask one question first…

Is this part of a Neighborhood Association? If yes then the answer is NO LOL


Ohhh how nice send the mean lady my way HUH :P

Oh yeah, by the way, I saw her the other day and she said that she was thinking about moving in Jacksonville next to Bob.