There’s a Windoze Illegal Message for Weatherd followed by a chain of Application Errors containg the message “Exception EInvalidOp in module WEATHERD .EXE at 007BD667”
I’ll try to find out what I started doing 2 days ago and turn it off - might be the Win98 memory clear setting, but I can’t remember …
Yes, it’s a VPRO - and yes, it was ticked. I’ve just unticked it and turned the memory free @ 6am back on - I’ll let you know what happens in 12 hours time !
Well, I turned it off last night and it’s okay this morning … I don’t plan to use win98 for much longer, it’s just that the PC doing the uploading and running WD is too feeble to put anything else on.
Therefore the time set is now off and the memory free is on.
Except maybe Linux, but the linux version’s not as current as the windoze flavour is it ?