example with errors

Hi Ken,

That did the trick , works ! :smiley: Thanks.

I edit it with a plain editor, but for background-xxx etc can I do that with DW8 ?

pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff, how easy life can be !!!


edit How to remove those squares ? I s that a ‘,’ or a '/ ’ see att.

parser squares.jpg

Those ‘squares’ are really the character called ⇒ (double lined right arrow) and are displayed if your browser uses iso-8859-1 as it’s character set. I snapped your forecast on my Firefox browser (which has View Character Encoding as Auto) and it displays correctly.

Now that you have the script running, you can customize the output display using CSS styling for class=“WXSIMforecast” – the download page (Saratoga-Weather.org - Scripts - WXSIM display utility ) has examples of how to include it in your pages and other configuration options.

Best regards,
