I’m in the process of evaluating WD and WDL and have encounted a few problems. Luckily, I resolved most of them through this board, however this one I can’t seem to shake.
The problem is that after a few hours (6+ last time) the clientraw.txt file and graphs are not updating. On the main screen, the lights are green, with data counts increasing. Also the data being displayed on the dials/meters are all updating properly. Just the graphs and clientraw.txt not updating.
System-wise, I’m running with the Lacrosse WS-2310. It is in wired mode and working OK. The PC connection seems solid (packets still being received and the main screen is updating with the correct information). The program error log only had two errors (floating point errors) but these were more than an hour before it stopped working. Nothing of interest in the FTP log (it just keeps uploading the same old clientraw file).
I already did a restart/reinstall via clearing out the .ini file and deleting the ftp registry settings but no luck. Any suggestions?
The program error log only had two errors (floating point errors) but these were more than an hour before it stopped working. Nothing of interest in the FTP log (it just keeps uploading the same old clientraw file).
I have seen this problem also…errors show up an hour or more before things stop. Just installed x version tonight and watching to see if this problem re-occurs.
I’m also running into that situation. I received a WS-2310 for Christmas and downloaded WD to see what it could do. Everything seemed to be working properly, but when I checked out WD the next day I was missing data on my charts. The dials and readings on the left side of the screen had up-to-date data but the charts were way behind. I’d shut down and restart WD and it would read the last 175 entries from the 2310 but I’d still end up with holes in the data.
Just to make sure it wasn’t my console I’ve been running HeavyWeather for the last 36 hours and it seems to working OK.
So, is the problem that we’re doing something wrong with software, or is the software somehow doing something wrong with the data?
someone is reporting a problem similar too
the commen thread is being a ws2310
so, is it that the data flat lines…if straight lines?
is the data received light still flashing?
and the data received count going up?
i think its to do with a check i have in place for temperature spikes…and that its not resetting a count for bad data,…
In my case, at least, the problem is that the graph just seems to stop at some point. It’s not that the lines are flat, it’s that there just isn’t any data at all past a seemingly random time. I know that WD is still receiving data from the console because I can see the current temp and wind info. The data counter increases, the status light is green, the title of the window says that the com port is OK, and the time displayed by WD is correct. It’s almost as if the right side of the display doesn’t see what the left side sees. The graphs just seem to think that data is no longer being collected.
one thing to note
you can not run the heavy weather program at the same time as WD (becuase two programs can not access the same com port at the same time)
I’ve been running WD for about an hour now and I’ve noticed something a bit strange. I don’t know if this is a red herring or not but I noticed that the times in the graph aren’t always sequential. It’s now about 10:15PM here. If I move from the rightmost point on the graph to the left I see that the time actaully jumps into the future a bit (up to 10:26) and then drops back down into the past. It looks like WD isn’t getting the data from the console in the right order, or it’s interpreting the data it’s getting incorrectly. Then again, I have no idea what I’m talking about.
These are the last few lines from the 12005lg.txt file. Notice that times seem to be out of sequence towards the end, not to mention that the data gets weird for an instant at about the 10th row:
I just checked through the history file that I’d dumped out of Heavy Weather earlier this evening and I don’t see anything like the anomoly that’s in the12005lg.txt file. I guess that probably rules out a problem with the data that’s received by the console.
Been away for a couple of days so I just got back to this thread…
On my side I do have some interesting info… I switched over from using my laptop (Dell D-800, Win 2000 Pro) to it’s permanent home (old E-machines cheap-0 running XP home edition with patches) and the problem appears to be gone! It’s been running there since Monday without any failures.
So… I’m wondering if this could be an O/S issue or one of these Dell laptop power issues I’ve been reading about in this forum.
I am having the same problem with 10.21f. I just checked my mysql data and it had stopped updating. It is writing to the database just the temp, rain etc stopped updating
Me too - I upgraded to 10.21f and started getting some long periods of no updates, the same data written every minute. Now I’ve upgraded to 10.21g and I can’t even get a MySQL connection at all.
I should have stuck with 10.20 whatever-the-letter-was, I had that running like clockwork. Next time I get it set up like that I’m leaving WD alone for a fair while, the constant changing will give me the data set from hell before the year is out :(.
not sure why you are having so much trouble with the wdmysal…
i do have it checking to make sure the data is not the same as what was entered a minute earlier…maybe your data is not changing much from 1 minute to the next?
maybe that is the problem?
maybe i should take that routine out?
(it is there to know when wd is not updating the data anymore)
Brian, I have got MySQL working ok - the full upgrade made things a bit strange for a while but it is back on track now. There has been a bit of discussion in this thread about duplicate lines of data. In my case these occur sporadically and with no pattern from what I can see.
Thanks for responding, you are doing a top job of tidying up all the questions that were raised when you were away 8).
Brian this other thread I think applies to the problem where WD did stop updating and your routine in wdmysql was not working. This I believe you fixed and I for one have not seen a problem since…