European Davis VP and WD data extraction issues

If you are in Europe, and have issues with the data extraction from your VP into WD please list them here to help Brian get a solution for us

The problem I have is that WD does not extract the data from the logger after WD has been shut down, but when wd starts, it reads the current data with no problem.

Same here . I’ve been using it now for 4 years - updating whenever there was a new beta . The problm is : when you shut down WD at - say for example - 22:00 and restart it at 00:30 it simply doesn’t carry over the data . I e-mailed Brian about this as well as I was quite mad at the response I got in here . I think it has to do with european versions of Windows ( or rather : with regional settings ) . The logger could be storing the data in USA - manner , i.e. : mm/dd/yyyy whereas european settings are dd/mm/yyyy . This would of course trigger a serious problem for WD’s extraction-module . It would in fact have invalid Months/days combinations.

I have seen this problem before ( in WXSIM ) and we solved this by thoroughly testing several beta’s within a few days time . I don’t know which language WD is programmed in but have advised Brian to contact WXSIM’s programmer to see if he can give any pointers to solve this .

As it is I don’t think that I have one complete monthly logfile over a period of the 4 years , so this must be top-priority ( else it should say on WD-homepage the program isn’t compatible for DVP-users in Europe )

I re-installed weatherlink and a trial-version of VWS to ascertain this wasn’t a problem with the logger but both programs download the data just fine , so we can be sure it’s something within WD’s code .

Only the current data gets extracted properly when you restart WD , just like you said , but also SOME of the data in the logger just not all of it :wink:
It looks like it’s "skipping " hours .

just check out the begining of my June-logfile

7 6 2004 13 39 28.9 41 14.3 1018.2 2 5 90 0.0 0.0 17.5 159.8 28.6 7 6 2004 13 40 28.9 44 15.5 1018.2 2 4 202 0.0 0.0 17.5 159.8 28.9 5 6 2004 19 2 17.1 62 9.7 1017.6 1 2 45 0.0 0.0 17.5 159.8 17.1 5 6 2004 19 3 17.1 63 10.0 1017.6 0 1 45 0.0 0.0 17.5 159.8 17.1 5 6 2004 19 4 17.1 65 10.4 1017.6 3 6 0 0.0 0.0 17.5 159.8 17.1

It’s a complete mess . For starters - even without taking into account the first 4 days are missing - how can it start with the 7th and then skip to the 5th ??

5 6 2004 23 58 12.7 81 9.5 1018.7 0 0 68 0.0 0.0 17.5 159.8 12.7 5 6 2004 23 59 12.7 81 9.5 1018.7 0 0 68 0.0 0.0 17.5 159.8 12.7 6 6 2004 0 0 12.7 81 9.5 1018.8 0 0 68 0.0 0.0 17.5 159.8 12.7 6 6 2004 0 1 12.6 81 9.4 1018.8 0 0 68 0.0 0.0 17.5 159.8 12.6 6 6 2004 0 2 12.6 81 9.4 1018.8 0 0 68 0.0 0.0 17.5 159.8 12.6

here , all seems fine , but if you look a bit further into the logfile it skips from the 6th to the 7th , but look at the times !

6 6 2004 22 6 19.5 66 13.0 1017.5 0 0 315 0.0 0.0 17.5 159.8 23.9 7 6 2004 14 16 29.5 39 14.1 1018.0 2 0 242 0.0 0.0 17.5 159.8 29.0 7 6 2004 14 17 29.4 38 13.6 1018.0 2 4 226 0.0 0.0 17.5 159.8 28.8 7 6 2004 14 18 29.5 41 14.9 1018.0 1 4 202 0.0 0.0 17.5 159.8 29.2 7 6 2004 14 19 29.5 41 14.9 1018.0 1 2 87 0.0 0.0 17.5 159.8 29.2

Mind you : this is with WD being restarted every day at roughly the same time.

it then proceeds from the 7th to the 5th ?!?

7 6 2004 14 14 29.5 42 15.2 1018.0 1 2 225 0.0 0.0 17.5 159.8 29.3 7 6 2004 14 15 29.5 41 14.9 1018.0 1 2 90 0.0 0.0 17.5 159.8 29.2 5 6 2004 19 34 17.1 63 10.0 1017.7 2 4 315 0.0 0.0 17.5 159.8 17.1 5 6 2004 19 35 17.1 63 10.0 1017.7 2 3 0 0.0 0.0 17.5 159.8 17.1 5 6 2004 19 36 17.1 63 10.0 1017.7 1 3 0 0.0 0.0 17.5 159.8 17.1

also note the total absence of logic with regard to the time :smiley:

This kind of stuff goes on all the time and every month.

bit of a lenghy reply but there you go :wink:

We have a slight difference here rikwes, no data at all gets extracted from my logger after a shut down.

One more question rikwes, out of interest, why do you shut wd down? I only shut down for new versions of wd, and microsoft and symantec restarts where necessary, and a weekly back up of my system. My major concern is lost data if I have a system crash.

I’m also part of a weather-site and am "responsible " for uploading the satellite - imagery . When processing those images in my graphics - editor
I must shutdown WD , if I don’t it : crashes , because the processing of the images takes up a lot of CPU-cyles . That’s another isue I brough to Brian’s attention :

  • When the extraction process is ongoing , you can’t do anything else , it takes up too much memory or CPU- cycles for anything other to be possible . ( I just installed an extra 512 MB RAM also , so it’s not for lack of memory ) . There must be a way to reduce that .

On another note , Brian has answered my e-mail regarding this issue , quoting him verbatim here :

i said on the forum that this coming week i will look into this issue , as I am away this weekend, but I am also thinking that the problem is when the data logging interval is seto other than 1 minute on the data logger....i.e if you set the time to look for data at start up in the wdisplay.ini file, under Davis download, minute, to a number that corresponds to the time interval you have set, e.g 10:55 instead of 10:54, for 5 minute time data logging interval, then i suspect it will work (change the time in the wdisplay.ini file before restarting wd)

This is most likely the problem, and something i need to fix when i get

end of quote . However ; I diasgree with this analysis . Both my logger and the WD-software has always been set to a 1-minute interval .He is suggesting one of them isn’t . Also , Where do I find that .ini file where the davis-download interval is located ?? I have found a wdplay.ini file , but there’s no entry in that one to control the Davis-download interval .
Shouldn’t this ini change when you apply the 1-minute interval in the program’s settings ???

I checked and the logger is set to 1-minute as is WD . I’m assuming by looking at those entries in the logfile I quoted in above post it’s something more complicated - could very well be , as I suggested , a date/time issue especially considering the "jumping from one day to another " - symptons you see in that logfile .

The fact that it jumps from 5 to 7 June and back again in an erratic manner suggests the logger gets extracted in a very odd way ( not chronologically at any rate ) .

Anyway ,we’ll solve this - or rather Brian will , with our help - in order to do this we’ll probably have to start with examining what could be causing this ( and looking a evry possibility ) . a Process of elimination .

This means there’ll be lots of different betas - probably - each one tryng to solve it in a different way .

One more question rikwes, out of interest, why do you shut wd down? I only shut down for new versions of wd, and microsoft and symantec restarts where necessary, and a weekly back up of my system. My major concern is lost data if I have a system crash.

Just for the sake of it, I went out doing the fathers day rounds today to come back to a power failure that lasted longer than my ups did! It cost 2 hours of data!

yes, that’s a classic case of "Murphy’s law " if there ever was one :

"Anything that can go wrong , will go wrong ( and at the worst possible moment ) "

i will have to see if i can reduce the cpu use of the updating/checking of the data from the data extraction…
over the next few days
late here, been a long day , long drive…been to a stresfull PTA meeting ( i am the chairperson),and I need to hit the sack…
so tomorrow i will see about this issue more.