In the weekly report and January 2005.htm I find the following errorenous data
Maximum rain per minute 2005.000 in. (50125 mm) on day 92 at time 05:10
Maximum temperature 288.0
In the weekly report and January 2005.htm I find the following errorenous data
Maximum rain per minute 2005.000 in. (50125 mm) on day 92 at time 05:10
Maximum temperature 288.0
Any errors in the program error log ???
does the “all time records” screen in WD show these erroneous values as well?
There are no errors in the log.
No, these do not appear in the all time records in WD.
I tried to correct the rain data through Action-View and Correct Log and Rain but the 2005 inches of rain for the month keeps sticking. How can I get rid of the bogus data for Jan? I have had only two minor rain events so I could live with deleting all rain data for Jan 2005 if that’s the only way to fix this.
To correct my rain I right-click on the main WD display beside the rain data, then offsets and rainfall adjustment. Might be the same thing you’re doing via the menu items. Anyways, enter the daily, monthly, or yearly amount and then click on set.
Maximum rain per minute 2005.000 in. (50125 mm) on day 72 at time 30:00
Maximum temperature 288.0
I expect Brian will when he gets back as this sounds out of the ordinary - especially if your all time records do not show these values!
Thanks. I tried to correct through the WD program but cannot get the records to stick. In addition when I right click on rain in the main page then select correct 7 day I have problems. One particular day shows 0.20 when it shoule be 0.02. WHen I type in 0.02 it will show 0.20. I cannot get it to correct.
At this point, I am willing to get rid of all Jan 2005 data and start over - if I only knee how.
Can you help me correct this data ? Or tell me how to get rid of it if we cannot fix it?
Have you tried the method I mentioned above?
– To correct my rain I right-click on the main WD display beside the rain data, then offsets and rainfall adjustment. Might be the same thing you’re doing via the menu items. Anyways, enter the daily, monthly, or yearly amount (or all three) and then click on set (for each change made). There is also a way to adjust all rainfall amounts there…
That 7 day thing never works for me…
I followed your procedure. I still am showing bad data in the weeklyrep html file.
Maximum rain per minute 2005.000 in. (50125 mm) on day 72 at time 30:00
Maximum temperature 288.0
if you still want to start afresh, Brian gives this method to do it
install to a new directory
then create a file there called 2wd.txt (make sure its not 2wd.txt.txt)
then start wd there (it should start up like brand new)
I only want to delete data not settings custom pages, etc.
Maybe I am stuck…
if you can wait until Brian gets back which is any day now he will help you out - you will be able to email him your settings.
I am sure it will get fixed - it just sound slike it is a problem for the main man himself
Are your monthly records, yearly records, and all time records correct when you view them?
If those are incorrect you can set them manually under → view → all time records – then hit the ‘set values’ button and enter the new data.
I think Frank said they were ok when I asked previously - which is why the problem is even more confusing.
It seems strange that the year value of 2005 appears quite a lot in his weekly report and Jan2005.html !!!
Ok. Yea I noticed all the 2005 values, very strange. Guess better wait for Brian on this one…
the alltimerecords.gif, alltimerecordsmonth.gif etc are correct. They are wrong in weekleyrep.html
I await the Master’s help
I found a lot of bad records in 12005lg.txt. I removed the bad records. How do I re-build January2005.htm and weeklyrep?