error loading configuration ( again )

Hi guys and girls
I just downloaded the WDL 1_08 and I changed the lines in the index.html, but stil I get an “error loading configuration”, does anybody have any ideas

Can you post the address of the page with WDL on it and I’ll have a look?


also, i see there is a problem with the large images on your web site
setup, use large screen size, and then click on Yes again
and then restart wd

i have found this web page
but you have not changed where it says mywebsite to what your domain name is, etc, in the index2.html file

oh, i found the correct URL


thats the problem
the config file does not have the serial registrtion number in it…
instert that, upload that file, and it should be OK loads fine for me. As Brian says you just need the serial number.

If you want to get it working on the page you must amend the web page so WDL knows where to get the clientraw file from.


Yahoo I got it to work, how I dont know?

good news :slight_smile: