ERROR: List index out of bounds... (2)

Hi, Brian

I’m running 10.19n right now and I’m getting this message every minute: “ERROR: List index out of bounds (0) at time/date 9:02:26 11/11/04”. I don’t know if this has something to do with my problems resetting daily max and min values (still have monthly maxs and mins instead), but I think this info may help you to figure it out.


i might be the web cam capture setup
are you using that, and are you using the old capture mehod?
i so, try untikcing, reset at restart of wd

I’m using another webcam software, Brian…

dont know if you saw, but i fixed this, in the latest version
it happened if you were running your own server #-o

it was another casuality that i did not epect to happen with the change in variable type

Yes, Brian, thanks, I just saw this was fixed after downloading the last version.
