Program loads fine and works fine. Just when i run it I get the error message where the graphs should go.
I think the install my have got corrupted, since it ran clean before. Is there a way to completely uninstal everything and start over. All the registry keys, misc files in the windows directory, etc. Then i could reload everything from scratch. I tried to uninstall, reinstall, but it does the same thing and remembers my original factory settings.
yes, try:
install the latest verison to a new directory
then create a file there called
i.e save something in notpad.exe as 2wd
then wd will start there as brand new
set up com port, station type, etc
then once going ok, exit, then copy across the logfiles, datafiles and webfiles folders
then try again
if still going ok, back up wdisplay2.ini then copy wdisplay.ini to wdisplay2.ini in c:\windows or c:\winnt
Grasshopper act to fast to celebrate and praise 8O
I rebuilt the page, got everthing dialed in, cam, graphs, pages etc. Worked great, looked great. I rebooted and poof same error access violation error.
All of the boxes are blank and no data is being recieved. I go back set the com and unit, but still same dam error…
I upgraded to windows xp, seems to have fixed the problem, and a few others…yea.
for some reason i cannot get reliable uploads for the webcam though. It seems to not be registering the changes made in teh view/webcam/ set up. I change the file upload in the setup/webcam page, but it still uploads a gif, when I want a jpg, and have that selected.
Very puzzeling and frustrating. Is there a way to view the settings in one place. ie, what webcam type is going to be uploaded? and what is teh index page going to expect?