End of year problem

well, I hope this is not going to happen to everyone, but WD crashed on me just after the change over (9am for me)
(all the rain etc reset OK)

also, the end of year averages/extreme report was created in my web files folder, but it does not contain anything (happens just before midnight)

trying to re duplicate and fix now

Wow - 8 hours 25 minutes and counting…till the “crash”!

i have fixed the end of year av/extreme report (if that is set to produce), which happens at 23:55pm
just testing the end of year midnight reset
and then I will upload 10.20x

shame I cannot do anything about it as I am at work all night (looks like 8 hours of no data ahead!) - I await the stoppage of web updates with interest - will be interesting if certain versions continue to run ok though!

when you say crash Brian - did you just get a box saying WD has to close and WD kept going - or did WD bomb out completely?

if you view avg/extreme and select December 2004 - will the year to date report still get displayed if you press that button - so we could still get the report manually?

I was just kidding!

I realy hope this 10.20x is ok. Here is 1 hour and 10 minutes!
btw. I ask 4 weeks ago “…is all ok this end of month/year problem”


yes, you can still manualy create the av/extreme end of year
uploading 10.20x now
my mums site is going OK
but that was before adding the end of year av/extreme

and this site is still ok, 10.20l
(but maybe no daily noaa and av/extreme updating uploading set (I think that is where the problem is)

part of me wants to dash home and turn off the report generation - but I can’t lol

I’m going to un-tick the yearly report -
More important for me to stay running than have that report generated automatically

I wish I could do yours for you bristolwx!

well in 3 hours or so from now I will know what the fate of my WD is - if my webpage continues updating after midnight I can breathe a sigh of relief - even though the “WD has encountered a problem and needs to close” box may ve waiting for me when I get home!

And then I won’t need to worry about this again for 365 days! 8)

10.20x is available from here now, temporarily (if not there, then download like normal)

is 10.20x going to work for sure?

I have done testing ( I.e I reset my clock back in time))
I will just do another test to make double sure

note, it only affects people who have the daily av/ext/noaa report being generated auto (see under view, averages/extreme)

2nd test was OK too :slight_smile:

I download and install and clock is 23:40, no hurry :slight_smile:
If this work, big thanks for fast reaction…!

Happy New Year Brian, family and all!


Great - thanks Brian -
You’re like a fireman - rescue just in time!

I’m on 10.20x now with the yearly report ticked…with confidence!

Bristolwx - maybe you should think about setting up remote desktop for times like this!

well i certainly don’t plan on working every new year’s eve there is lol

can’t run remote desktop on XP home anyway - and the work’s firewall would laugh at me!!

before now my PC has never run an important program like this over new year with crucial data :slight_smile:

anyway after an impromptu quick lunch break I have turned off report generations again - so if WD still crashes at midnight then it must be something else :wink:

fingers crossed

I must say that Brian you define the word service!

Also, it is good being located in USA as all of you east of us get this worked out before midnight even arrives!

Little over six hours to spear. :smiley:

i have your live weather showing here bristolwx, its more exiciting than the count down to the new year!

first test passed, midnight :wink:
next text, 7 and then 9 minutes past midnight