I’ve discovered that WDL is grabbing a huge chunk of my CPU’s time, making everything else very slow. For example, “top” shows WeatherD using about 90% of the CPU. This is clearly unacceptable. I’m running version 3.9 of WeatherD, and when I went back to 3.8, the CPU usage dropped to insignificant.
i am not seeing anything like that here, and I am using 3.9 :?
not sure whats wrong there
not much changed in 3.9
and nothing that I can think of that would do that, and i have no other reports of problems
I’ve just recently started using WDL, in fact, I’m currently using the evaluation version of 3.9. I, too, am experiencing the slowdown. In fact, running top shows the CPU activity running about 1.2% without WDL and 99.6% with WDL. My linux box is a 2.4G PIV with 512 M memory runining SuSE9.1.
i wonder why this all of a sudden is a problem
is this with the clientraw.txt file creation in use?
that was one thing changed,…,…having that up to date with the latest weather display live
as you see, WDL running here for 9:59 hours and is using no CPU and little memory (6% of my total memory)
i have the clientraw.txt being created every 2-3 sec.
As we’ve been discussing in another thread, I’m trying to use the Linux WD for the client, so it’s not generating clientraw.txt.
but its reading the clientraw.txt
thats what you have it set as…
that might be where the problem is…
try un setting that up (and restart it )
as a test?
(or change the location settting for it so it cant find it anymore)
Well, I’m confused. I tried 3.9 again, and it now uses only an appropriate amount of CPU time, without my having to disable clientraw.txt reading.
Now to go look at the other thread and see if anyone has a suggestion of how to get the Windows WD to write the clientfaw.txt file, so that I can use the Linux WD as a client…
in the windows version, either:
setup, control panel, ftp/internet setup, client/server setup, and tick to produce the clientraw.txt file (and have the main internet switch ON), or setup, control panel, webfiles/webpage setup, real time ftp setup, tick to enable real time clientraw.txt upload, but tick, using a server, no ftp needed
Thanks, Brian! I used the second option, and now clientraw.txt is being updated regularly.
But I see that the Linux version running as client is not reading the file. I’ve tried every way I know of to write the location of the file to wdisplay.ini:
client url=file:///root/smb4k/SERVER/STUFF/Archive/
client url=/root/smb4k/SERVER/STUFF/Archive/
client url=file:///root/smb4k/SERVER/STUFF/Archive/clientraw.txt
client url=/root/smb4k/SERVER/STUFF/Archive/clientraw.txt
None of them work. Based on the way you wrote it in the Windows registry, I even tried adding a new line:
client raw location=/root/smb4k/SERVER/STUFF/Archive/
but that didn’t work, either. I guess I’m going to have to wait for you to tell me how the location needs to be specified.