DCS 900 and WD

Brian…I hope you are fine…in addition to my previous question I am not able to get WD to show an an image from my camera when I go into Web Cam setup…I am probably overlooking something very basic…Is the DCS 900 acceptable for WD? I have Direct-X 9 …The DCS camera does ask for username/password…Does that create problems?


The DCS camera does ask for username/password...Does that create problems?
i have not come accross that before is the re WBM drivers for it?

Brian, I am not sure of what you mean by WBM drivers…Joe

If you search the forum for “DCS” you’ll find some threads related to these cameras, including one that says it will work with image salsa if set up to not require a password.

This camera is not a traditional web cam, it has it’s own webserver to serve images to the internet, so it will most likely not work as a web cam directly with WD. DLink has issued firmware upgrades for some of these cameras, specifically the DCS 1000W, which adds FTP so that they can upload images to a website (or maybe another box on your network). If such an upgrade is available for the 900 it would be worth to get.

Brian…thanks…I probably bought a somewhat unfriendly camera for WD…I have purchased ImageSalsa and possibly via that software I will succeed. Also, I’ll look into the forum archives for further info…Thanks a bunch for your replies…


if you can get the image ftp to a web site, then wd could download that image, and use it, via the 3rd party web cam image setup

of if image salsa can produce a static file name, if you get image salsa to work, then wd can you use that image too
good luck