I have been having problems with WD displaying wind speed spikes of 91.1 mph when it downloads the information from the data logger. It only seems to happen when it is windy out, and no other parameters are affected. I have double checked that everything is set to 1 minute increments (at least everything I could find). Anybody have any ideas?
Do you have the possibility to dump the archive into a fresh station in weatherlink to verify if the numbers are coming from the logger, or see if maybe some wind records are missing?
I just downloaded the data into weather link and it did not seem to have any problems. The strang thing is that whenever this happens WD shows the maximum gust as 91.1 mph. I think the problem is within WD, but I have no idea. Does the station time and PC time have to be perfectly in sync for the data to transfer correctly?
Does the station time and PC time have to be perfectly in sync for the data to transfer correctly?
wd requests the time/date from when it was last running from the data logger....and so yes the time and date needs to be correct in the data logger, and 1 minute logging needs to be correct too
I have not seen windspikes here with my VP1 and the data extraction…
there is a raw data file generated called vptemplog.txt, maybe email me that
It’s not clear to me whether his question relates to downloading the archive, or to regular ongoing operation. I believe that in normal continuous use WD doesn’t get time in the data record from the VP, so it takes the data and flags it with the PC’s time.
Sorry I should have been more clear. Sometimes I have to shut down WD in order to use other programs on my computer. When I restart WD and it extracts the data from data logger that is when I am getting the problems. If the wind is calm or light there does not seem to be a problem, but if it is blowing around 10mph or so the graph shows the wind speed spikes (always 91.1 mph) and it updates the daily extremes and all time records with that info.
are you noticing the wind spike on the graph, real time graph, or does it show on the desktop screen?
IF it shows on the realtime graph alone, then this is just something that happens as it does with me. I think what happens is that spike is when WD picks up the backlog of readings from the logger.
Try this for a test. Go to where WD reads from the logger and disable it so that WD doesn’t download the logger and see if you get the spike you are talking about. Although these are not wind spikes, they are when the datalogger was accessed http://home.mchsi.com/~weatherdata/extrarealtimegraph2.gif. (I’m tracking or trying to track down a reception problem with my vp1 so I have frequent reboots).
Give that a try and see if it changes things for you. IF it does and seems to be connected to when the datalogger is accessed on initial reboot or reaccess to WD, then perhaps it might be something Brian can fix or maybe add that to the item he has to correct graph errors manually.