Davis VP USB data logger lock up problem, possible solution

I got an email from somone that Davis has discovered that running the Console on batteries only stops the problem
I myself have my USB data logger running from an invertor, which runs from a car battery…which is on a charger, and I have not had a problem

so having the console on a different power source to the PC, to eliminate electrical interference with the AC power, seems like a good solution
it might also explain why its only some people that are affected and some not and why Davis has not been able to duplicate…i.e the problem is to do with peoples power supply…having the power supply on a surge filter etc or just having a good power supply, and no problems

This is one of the standard solutions in fact and is well worth trying as a diagnostic if not a permanent solution, but sadly like all other solutions still is not a universal fix for this problem. This is one of the reasons why it’s been so difficult to find a complete solution - ie the sheer diversity of circumstances and solutions that work for some folk but not others. Fortunately, the incidence of the problem is much reduced over recent months as the range of possible causes and fixes gets better known, use of more recent drivers, helper utilities like the USB reconnect option in Steve’s VVP etc, but there still is the occasional user for whom nothing seems to work. I’ve been meaning to collate and upload a list of all the possible solutions that I’m aware of and I’ll make an effort to do that in the next few weeks and post a link.

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I have had a USB data logger going on 3 years with no problems. I have always had a above average power supply and a good surge protector for my electrical components. The only issue I had was when one of the driver releases from SILabs caused me some grief. Other than that no problems with hang ups or anything of the sort. I guess I am one of the few lucky ones. They are getting better with there drivers. I use the latest drivers and my logger runs with no issues at all.


I know this is old, but I recently changed computers that my Davis USB Datalogger was connected to and had all kinds of problems.

However, I found this forum, and found that putting aluminum/cooking foil around the power supply cable that is close to the body of the unit will fix the issue. It’s not an issue with the USB cable, it’s that the power adapter wire is noisy. But, not all PCs have the issue. My old one didn’t, but the new one does.