Davis VP 2 Siting Suggestions

Having read the CWOP docco this morning on the train into work and knowing that I need to make compramise, this is what I think i am going to do.

  1. The easy bit. The Anometer will go on the pole on the side of my house as shown in picture No.1. The beam will come down and I will raise the pole by another metre or so. The Anometer will run with a wireless transmitter that turned up today.

  2. The ISS. This was the tricky part, but, based on discussions here and after reading th CWOP docco I have decided that it will move from it current position. If you look at the last picture you will see a fence that run between my house and my neighbours. I will bang into the ground a scafold pole and site the ISS on the said pole, just to the right of the rose bush you can see, pretty much in the centre of the fence line. Here comes the compromise, te height of the ISS will be about 7 foot of off the floor as I dont want the fence to interfere with the sensors too much, obviously each side of the fence is grass, which is a bonus.

Given my location I think this is the best I can do.

Not a bad compromise…

I too ended up getting the anemometer wireless transmitter for just about the same reasons as yourself.

I put my ISS on a pole some 4ft away from the fence with the top level of the rain bucket being level with the top of the fence…In this way there is sufficient airflow around the ISS for it not to be too affected by the fence acting as a thermal radiator as well as there not being any rain shadow from the fence. However, my fence is of the ranch type construction with the ISS being on the northern side which helps a lot…A bit like a massive Stevenson Screen for the temp/hum bit.

Its going up tomorrow hopefully

and…where are you going to put the Wx webcam :roll: :roll: ?? It is never ending you know… :car16:

Thats an easy one. In the last piccy. See the window that open. It will be pointing directly east, where most of my weather comes from :slight_smile:

The hardest bit about tomorrow is gonna be banging the scafold poll into the ground :smiley:

pole banging? could I suggest softening the soil with water might make it a bit easier ? When I sank the steel rods for my tripods, it was hard going down into the clay and I found that water helped lubercate the clay a bit. I also got the wife talked into that one when we used the three foot threaded steel rods. We must have done a great job with them ( although I think they bent on the way down and that anchored a bit) because when I pulled up one tripod I found I had to cut it out and drive the rods down.

Also… be sure you know what you are banging the pole into, that no buried water, sewer, electrical lines, no buried V2 rockets left over…

I know its gonna be difficult as the one I drive in last year for my vertical antenna was not easy. The houses where I live were bulit on top of an old Brick Works :smiley:

Its up :slight_smile: Very happy.

ISS and rain gauge look good, although it’s not clear how close they are to the house.

I’d have moved the anemometer higher because I think the mast will cause some turbulence. I’m going to have to see how close I can mount my anemometer to my SBS-1 antenna soon (I assume that’s what it is). I’d also have mounted the anemometer transmitter lower…you’ll have to get to that to change the battery every so often and you’ll need a ladder for it there.

Looks good! Hope your neighbour doesn’t have a watering can and a sense of humour :lol:

Yep, that was my compromise. I put the Anenometer as close as I dare to the SBS-1 (Great peice of kit) The Batt aint a problem, I have a TV aerial guy lives 2 doors up who done all the work for me today for

Nah, he did mention it. He even helped put the ISS up :slight_smile:

Quick question. As we installed the ISS the gizmo inside moved a couple of times and therefore has shown rain. Can I do something in WD to take that fake rain off?

BTW, I purchased WD and WDL this evening :slight_smile:

Even happier with the setup, just checked out the local airports and I am pretty much spot on.

you can fix it in the software as well as you need to fix it on the console. Console is easy, move the arrow until you get to the daily rain… well you hve to push rain/day… then go to 2nd clear and hold it. It begins to flash and it will clear the total. If you want to enter the month rain as well as the year’s total… then you can press 2nd set on rain/month and it will flash the numbers and you can use the arrows to set that, then press done. then do the same for rain/year and sent that and done.

for WD …control panel, rain/offset or offset/rain… and set everything to zero. exit WD then start it up and the values from the console should transfer .

I learned ( the hard way) disconnect the rain sensor on the ISS . You take off the solar panel and disconnect it there by unplugging and then you can move the thing or it sends the rain data out…

Excellent, Thanks so much :slight_smile:

I think to get the signal where you need it you might have to explore what is the maximum distance you can extend the cable to your console. There has to be somewhere some how or perhaps the manufacturer has a solution for the length.

Other than that , a repeater would be the ticket as it appears if it were not for the trees which seem to be a wind break and the prospect of removing the trees just isn’t on this dance ticket.

Other than that, probably a Davis would be something Santa needs to stop by with early.

You are either going to need to extend the wire, buy a repeater or get a new station. I would see about extending and burying the wire, then the repeater.