Davis Vantage Pro

But these guys' credibility is suspect with me when they claim 2 patents that I couldn't find and don't respond to emails asking for information
Give them a call - I've spoken to Kevin on the phone and he's always answered my questions.


My phone bill won’t stand it…

If I had to choose between frequency regulations and those bloopers, I think i would watch the bloopers too :wink:

I noticed the new davis 900MHz U.S. frequencies are potentially right in the middle of the New zealand radio broadcast STL lower band… so watch out if youre anywhere in new zealand near broadcast studios or a transmitter site and get a new davis wireless station…

i cant remember off hand, by the davis VP imported by the official NZ importer , with the original davis VP, uses a different freq than that in US
(918 or 418 (or something like that), i cant remember…
so if you are using a US model davis VP in nz, its not using the correct freq
(as long as yours or your neighbours garage door does not repeatdely open and close then you should be OK)

I believe the US (old) VP is 916.5 and rest of the world is 868. Oregon and LaCrosse are 433 here, but I’m not sure about elsewhere.

[Our ALL NEW web site will be up and running by 14th November 2004 ](http://Our ALL NEW web site will be up and running by 14th November 2004)

Apparently they missed their target date for having the new site up.

433MHz and yes it’s legal, but badly chosen with it being in the middle of the 70cm amateur band and in the same band as used by car key fobs!

Allistaor, of UKWeathershop, sent me this info :slight_smile:
Oregon and most other consumer products generally use 433 mhz. Before
harmonization with European standards 433 was not available in the UK and we
had to use 418 mhz which although still legal is not universally used.

Potential draw backs of 433 include;

The permission to use it states that you may only broacast 10% of the time
hence update frequency.

Radio amatuers are legaly allowed to use a similar or adjacent frequency at
quite high power. This can affect your consumer device.

In the USA Davis use 916 mhz which is bang in the middle of cell phone
teritory every where else in the world. Their new US VP2 will use a wide
spread from 902 to 928 with increased power. In the UK use of this equipment
is ilegal and caries a fine of up to

My posting was Posted after this Quote:

The internet, and especially forums has made the world a much smaller place, and I guess rumours and gossip can now travel the world in a matter of hours.
and so highlights how romours can start easily. If this in fact is not true, and I was told it was ( but that was years ago), then I apologies, and anyone reading this thread should ignore that comment I made. If you want, i can remove those postings. But yes I should not have posted that at all, and I was wrong to do so, and I apologies. I have had a bad day today, lacking alot of sleep, under alot of pressure and stressed, and so my judegement is severely lacking at the moment.
Hi Allistaor, of UKWeathershop, sent me this info
that was a bit you took off a posting I made where I directly quoted him , re information about the davis stations and frequency, etc. It has nothing to do with what you are refering to.

I have deleted my posts and other posts refering to this matter.

Hello All,

In reply to our solar radiation sensors reading high, this shouldn’t be the case. Our sensors can be calibrated and if you own a MKI sensor it’s likely a small calibration is needed. For information on how to do this please contact our Technical email address: [email protected]

Our new MKII Solar Radiation Sensor is now available as Pole mounted, Wall/Fence Mounted, and ISS Mounted.

We design and manufacture lower cost accessories for the Vantage Pro, Save money and visit our web site www.BlueWaveLtd.co.uk Our accessories are designed and manufactured by us and are exclusive to BlueWave Technologies UK

Kind Regards to all
Dr. Kevin Ellis
BlueWave/FED Technologies UK

Hello all,

Are you aware that the delers are selling off cabled Vantage Pro systems cheap at the moment to make way for the ‘newer’ Vantage Pro 2 systems? if not and you are wanting a cheap Vantage Pro i would certainly buy one, i’ll get back to why in a minute.

Well if you are going to buy a new Vantage Pro 2 Wireless system you really need to be aware of the differences between the old and new models which is not a lot.
Davis have increased the transmission range and made it more reliable by using (quite old now) tchnology called channel hopping, you know the sort of thing your phone does to always guarantee a clear channel.

Anyway we have a USA Vantage Pro 2 version here at BlueWave Technologies UK for our engineering department to look at. The design is slightly dirrerent and the black buttons down one side of the console does make it easier to differentiate between selections.
We tested the unit for 1 week and it did very well, anyway for the price we dont have any complaints.

Now, to get back to why you may want to treat yourself to a nice and cheap Vantage Pro cabled system.

We at Bluewave Technologies UK have developed the first ever Cabled to Wireless conversion which quite simply converts ANY Vantage Pro cabled system into a wireless system with 2 easy plug-ins. The transmitter is Solar powered and transmitts the data in a digital format over a distance of up to 350m (over 1000ft)

The receiver which simply plugs into the Vantage Pro’s old cable port decodes the data and displays it as if it was connected by cable. The receiver is powered by the Vantage Pro and does not require and external power.

As well as converting your cabled Vantage Pro to wireless the other benefits are that you can use external wireless extras like soil/moisture sensors etc.

We are also developing a cabled to wireless conversion kit for the new Vantage Pro 2.

We will be launching this new product on 2nd January so watch out for it at www.BlueWaveLtd.co.uk

Regards & Happy Christmas to you all

Dr. Kevin J Ellis
BlueWave/FED Technologies UK

I dont agree and i am much surprised that you doubt our credibility especially as we did reply to your patent question. We actually explained that patents are expensive to support so on our MKII Solar sensor we decided to use PIC software microcontrollers, as these are vertually impossible to copy we dont now require the patents and we decided not to renew them. This is likely the reason you cant find them.

As for Solar Sensor accuracy, we have sold truck loads of these and if you can only find 2 on here that are ‘way off’ then this is good. We have already contacted the customers who have complained about accuracy and we have offered full replacement or re-calibration.

Davis Inc will tell you that if you use third party accessories for their weather stations then it may damage their consoles. As a first class electronics design and manufacturing company do you really think we would be in business if we manufactured items that damaged the host equipment. Davis Inc will tell you all kinds of tales to stop you from buying our products, if you decide to listen to them and buy more expensive accessories then this is your loss.

Sir, I beg to differ.

#1 My patent question “Also could you let me know the numbers of the patents referred to on the website for the gas filled cosine filter and PhotoTunnel technology” was not answered.

numerous people on this forum, including myself, have reported the bluewave solar sensor over reads , especaily in winter time.
(compared to the maximum solar radiation for the time of day for your lat/long)
that is why i put a solar offset % adjust into weather display…I needed it, and I know Julian needs it, and I know I have recommeneded to others that its needed (in winter here, I had to set it at 40% if the value, but now that its summer, i have it set at 73% of the value (i.e the overreading is not as bad in summer (higher solar energy) as it was in winter (lower solar energy)

Do you think it’s an electronic issue related to the energy level, or an optical accuracy issue related to the changing angle of the sun.