Davis Rain Data - Upload in inches?

I’d like to use the new feature that derives the Rain Rate directly from the Davis VP but when I display it on the web page it displays in mm rather than inches… Can we get a $rainrate% type word to display in inches instead? Is there already one and I’m just missing it?

I’m currently using %currentrainrate% but if I switch to use the numbers from davis it’s in mm/hr rather than in/hr


ah, that custom tag was showing it in mm (metric) always, even if inches set as units
will be ok for the next verison of wd after 10.16c

10.16c beta should have this fixed
also, now, the wdmysql.exe should not start up a second time…WD now checks if its already running…if it is, then it does not start it up again (so that you would then have 2 versions running (same applies to the clientrawrealtimeftp.exe program)
this is a good improvement

Got our rain today… working like a champ :slight_smile:
