Data import from WS2310 (Heavy Weather/ PC Wetterstation)

Hi *,

I’m currently testing WD and try to import data from my current software “PC Wetterstation”. This software is reusing the data files coming from Heavy Weather.

I didn’t succeed by following the manual, so can anybody help me in this case?

Many thanks in advance!


i have not heard of anyone trying to do that, so far…
if you could email me a sample of the log file format of pc weather station, then i will have a look at what i could do

Hello Brian,

The email is gone. Ihope you can read the content. Please contact me if there’s any translation needed for the german description of the shown values!

Many thanks in advance


i have done this now
see under action, import log files from other software, import PC weather station log files
latest version of WD

but you might have given up waiting

Hi Brian,

No, I didn’t gave it up but I had to finish some other things with higher priority! :frowning:

The data should be imported now, the import doesn’t show any error messages, and the INF files are created.

But there seems to be something wrong, because viewing historical data (e.g. SETUP->VIEW/CORRECT DATA) shows always a zero value for outside temp for all imported months (see also: windtempraintrend3d8.gif, there’s a flat line zero degrees).

On the other hand, the historical views are not created. I can only see values (days) beginning from the last install run (23. July) all other daily reports are gone / not selectable (pull down menu: Select avarages/extreme Month on the main page).

The third is that the All time records are not correct. During import a value of 109.6kmh appears. After recreating the graph using the log file outdoor temp, humidity and dew point are set to zero and the baro is set to 3272hpa for exact the minute in time I’ve recreated the graph.
This happens every time I use this feature.

Please have a look on my weather page:

Regards, Dirk

there must be a bogus line of data in the logfile …so maybe check for that, before doing the convert log file to graphs ?

I don’t think that there’s a bug because it happened using the log file for july as well as using the august log file.

This ALLWAYS happens, using this function. The weird readings appear exactly at that time I used the function (end of time scale in the graph)!

It can be reproduced whenever you want! :roll:

Is there any way to check/modify the INF data files directly?
I don’t understand the connections between LOG and DATA (INF) files, the graphs and the web files creation at the moment!


is it when you are using action, convert wd log files to graphs?

zip and email me the logfile your are working with…

the graphs use the datafiles…they are binary files…i.e array file…fixed size files
the logfiles are text files, they get appended to…and becuase they are text, you can edit them directly,…fix bad data, and then convert to the graph files (you cant edit the graph datafiles directly)


I’ll send 2 log files (July / August) as soon as I’m home again (will take 6-7h or so :cry: ).

BTW: Once you wrote “datafiles” later on “graph files”. Is “datafiles” == “graph files”, having the “.inf” ending?


yes, they have the .inf ending


the email is gone some minutes ago.

This will be usefull, I hope!?!

Hello Brian,

Nothing heard from you on this topic until now.

I’m currently using WD 10.15L and tried it again, but the bug still exists.
No ideas how to clear it up?

Looking forward to getting positive (hopefully) answer.

i will see if i can have a look today
but its a sunday here, and really need some family time today


Bad news: The problem still exists!

i did have that happening too with testing…its just that last bit of data …
i will do some more work on it
but its 9pm on a sunday night here and i need a break after a very long week

managed to have a quick look and i found the culprit…i was taking 1 off the total data numbers when i should not have been
uploading a beta 10.15o now which should fix it
it will be ready in an hour or so all going well


It’s realy a problem, that earth is a ball and not a flat table, having the same time everywhere! :lol:

I’m not evaluating anymore, as you can imagine, I purchased this very good software inbetween!

There’s no software on earth, serving all the needs and whishes of everyone, but the service, provided by you, is the very best I’ve seen until today!

Have a nice week!


I’ve downloaded and installed the BETA version of 10.15o time stamped 12:18:55hr but nothing changed.

The update version is the same, time stamped 11:08:16hr, as before. Didn’t you upload it too?

By the way: The title of the full version is “Weather Display 10.1o”. Shouldn’t it be “Weather Display 10.15o” too?

i will upload a new version number :slight_smile:

Hello Brian,

currently testing with WD 10.15v again without success.
The zero drops are still shown! :cry: