Data error but where is it?

i’m just working on a new page :
when you look at the dew point min. for this month it says -61.8 C and Humidity min. 0
i use this tags %monthtodatemindpcelsius%

its from the data file
so, try, action, convert wd log files to graphs
to reset that file
but it could be that i am looking to far back in that file…and getting default data
so zip and email me the data file month92004.inf and i will have a look, if the fix does not work

hi Brian, i send you the data, any idea > what went wrong?
best regards

Brian good news, just downloaded version 10.17e and it works now !!!
thank YOU!
best regards

thats good!

hi Brian, got a crash last night at 23:55 and this morning after restarting WD the bad data is back again.
best regards

ok, yes, that will be because of the gap in the data…and so WD is looking too far back into the data record

i need to put in data checks…to know when the data is not acutal but is instead default…(straight line)…so I will do that

sorry no new’s, first i been thinking the bad data is gone, but it is not.
wrong prosting
best regards

i am pretty sure i have a fix for this now, by checking for the defaul null data,which sets the day as 0
uploading a new 10.17f now, will be ready in an hour or so

Brian great and thank you.
version 17g solve this problem :slight_smile:
best regards