Data / Days wrong after 10.13

Just looked at my 72hr, 7 day & month todate graph and noticed the days wong

Day 18 & 19 ok but days before are 30, 29 28 etc plus the data could be wrong as we have not had any rain and look at the barometer reading

I installed version 10.13 on the 17th (day 17) I have tried installing older version but getting the same results.

Real time graph shows the same

Any thoughts?

I am not seeing that here
but what happens at the end of the month is that the monthly data keeps on getting appended to…and so last months data is still there…
but thats not normaly a issue if there is no data missing…but if there is data missing, for what ever reason, then going back 3 days could end up having data show up from the end of last month…

Hi BrianM,
does your 62004lg.txt file in the wdisplay/logs directory have intact data going back to the start of June? if it does you could try using the convert log files to graphs function to see if that brings back the missing days?
If it doesn’t then the install of 10.13 has wiped out June’s data upto the point of installation somehow?

Well done Martyn

Yes log file looks ok so done the conversion and now my graph looks correct

Many thanks, arent forums wonderful

