Daily Averages/Extremes HTML Page - Month changeover problems with Solar

Hello Brian,


ah, ok, what is happening (i.e when you go to view, avereages/extreme, and then choose december 2004 (i.e click the left arrow on the calendar), is its using the current file for the solar data , and not the correct file
its doing that for me too
fixing now…

10.20y should sort this out

Hello Brian,

this probleme occurred this month again


its ok here for me with a recent version of wd
(i,e when i go to view, averages/extreme, and then choose january…jan’s data for solar and soil temperature, etc, is loaded OK…

which version are you using?

Hello Brian,


ah, that web site
i though you meant within WD
yes, there is still problems with the end of month report
I will have to do some revisions on what i have done!
try recreating the av/ext page , under view/averages extreme (scroll down)