CWOP Statistics Viewer Script

The one thing I noticed is that both the stations having issues are in"C". May this be the issue?

Another great script Michael!!! Thank you!!!

John Sacrey

I now have graph lines for the actual readings, but not the analysis.

Could it be that there are not enough stations around me that don’t have possible errors with their locations? Most of the stations within 100 miles of me have questions about altitude/location accuracy.

I thinks its because NZ doesn’t have any “quality stations” to go against that are freely available (eg the Metservice Stations).
I dont think M/S is part of cwop unfortunately and therefor we dont have any good neighboring stations that we can compare with.

Hi Michael, Could you take a look at line 215 of the wxcwopstats.php where it refers to the wind qc - it looks like an incorrect tag was carried over from the dewpoint calcs. I changed my copy from $qcdewp to $qcwind. I apologize if I am wrong about this.


Madis Value: <?php echo "$qcwind"; ?>%  <?php if ([b]$qcdewp[/b] >= "90") {

Hey Michael.

Go the script installed but I get no graph images.


Hi Tony, check your input on this line in the cwopstats.php file:

$cwop = “D2671”; // Enter your CWOP Identification number Ex. CW3783 = C3783

Do you have a ‘W’ in there? Try it without the W if you do have it there, C2352 instead of CW2352


That was it Paul. Changed it and A-OK now.

I also try to run this script, but there is no comparison.
Station ID no: DW2281
I wrote in the script: D2281
The site appeared charts
Though they are close to other stations
It probably will not work with stations in Europe - a pity


I thought the same too, but from the links on my info page the Met stations are reporting data - but two out of the three of them are showing with possible location errors.
I have also changed the qc thresholds in my script to zero(!) and still get no analysis. My actual readings have also disappeared.

I’m wondering if it is the metric thing mentioned earlier.

Ann-Marie, the script is looking for the ‘red-x’ and the ‘check’ in a sub folder /images/ which you don’t have, you’ll have to fix the paths to the icons so they show.


Unless I misunderstand the CWOP quality page CWOP Data Quality Results it only applies to N American stations.

You are correct…nice find.

Find this

<table width="640" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
    <td class="table-top" colspan="4"><span style="font-size: 125%;">Wind</span></td>
  <tr class="column-dark">
    <td align="left"><span style="font-size: 90%; color: black; font-weight:bold;">Madis Value: </span></td>
    <td colspan="3" align="left"><span style="font-size: 90%; color: black; "><?php echo "$qcwind"; ?>%&nbsp;</span>
    <?php if ($qcdewp >= "90") {
  echo "<img src=\"images/check.png\" border=\"0\" width=\"17\" height=\"17\" alt=\"\" />";
} else {
	echo "<img src=\"images/redx.png\" border=\"0\" width=\"17\" height=\"17\" alt=\"\" />";
	} ?></td>

and replace with this:

<table width="640" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
    <td class="table-top" colspan="4"><span style="font-size: 125%;">Wind</span></td>
  <tr class="column-dark">
    <td align="left"><span style="font-size: 90%; color: black; font-weight:bold;">Madis Value: </span></td>
    <td colspan="3" align="left"><span style="font-size: 90%; color: black; "><?php echo "$qcwind"; ?>%&nbsp;</span>
    <?php if ($qcwind >= "90") {
  echo "<img src=\"images/check.png\" border=\"0\" width=\"17\" height=\"17\" alt=\"\" />";
} else {
	echo "<img src=\"images/redx.png\" border=\"0\" width=\"17\" height=\"17\" alt=\"\" />";
	} ?></td>

I will update the download.


Hi Michael,

Will this script work with my CWOP ID? The ID that I have is AP834 with my Ham Call sign of KH6HHG. My question is what should I put in this location?

$cwop = “C3783”

Hope that it will work with the Amateur community.

Thanks for the scripts that you have written.

–Stan Y.
Maui, Hawaii

Stan, you should be able to get some charts of your own data but the data quality reporting will most likely not work for you because you are also outside the area for which CWOP makes those calculations.

$cwop = “AP834” should be correct.

Hi Niko,

I think that you are right. I took a stab at it with “AP834” and something displayed but don’t know if all is correct. See and see if I need to do any adjustments somewhere.

Also I have issues with MADIS conflicting with some other data and therefore, there is that “red X”. I will have to look into that portion later.

Thank you for your input.

–Stan Y.
Maui, Hawaii

Hi Andretti,
i don’t think that there is a comparision data about europe stations.
That service is available only for usa stations.
Best regards,



The purpose of the script is to copy the cwop page for display on your website. It merely does nothing more than that. For stations that have no comparison stations or cwop does not provide you with error values (based on comparison), then this script will not work. This is most likely because there are not enough stations in your vicinity. For an explanation of why, I would suggest you send and email to CWOP.

See here for stations with no comparison:

See here for stations with comparison:

Sorry for those who have no comparison stations… :frowning:


Hi Michael,

Thank you for your explanation about your comparison with CWOP stations. I will try to see what I can do when I email CWOP. I wonder how far away other CWOP stations must be to make comparisons? Guess two or three stations on my island is not enough as they are over 10 miles away from me.

Will let you know if I get any feed back from CWOP.

Thanks again for all.


–Stan Y.
Maui, Hawaii

Thanks Michael! My CWOP stats are online…
