Since I loaded 10.17x yesterday morning, it appears that WD is no longer converting CustomText.txt to CustomTextOut.txt. It had been working just fine for last couple of years.
Is it possible I missed some new procedure to use custom log files? I have updated to the most recent release of version x, with no apparent change in results. Last change date/time for customTextOut.txt is 0745 6 Oct 2004. There are no entries in the Error Log.
content of CustomText.txt (all on a single line)
test=02,1.1 rain=04,%dayrn% tempOut=05,%tempinusa% hum=06,%hum% dir=08,%dirdeg% spd=09,%avgspd% bar=0a,%baro% tempIn=0b,%indoortemp% humIn=0c,%indoorhum% dewOut=98,%dew% dewIn=99,%indoordewfaren% oF fcst=97,%5dayforecastday1%