CustomTextOut.txt not working

Since I loaded 10.17x yesterday morning, it appears that WD is no longer converting CustomText.txt to CustomTextOut.txt. It had been working just fine for last couple of years.

Is it possible I missed some new procedure to use custom log files? I have updated to the most recent release of version x, with no apparent change in results. Last change date/time for customTextOut.txt is 0745 6 Oct 2004. There are no entries in the Error Log.

content of CustomText.txt (all on a single line)
test=02,1.1 rain=04,%dayrn% tempOut=05,%tempinusa% hum=06,%hum% dir=08,%dirdeg% spd=09,%avgspd% bar=0a,%baro% tempIn=0b,%indoortemp% humIn=0c,%indoorhum% dewOut=98,%dew% dewIn=99,%indoordewfaren% oF fcst=97,%5dayforecastday1%


sorry about that
uploading 10.17y to fix that
I had fixed a double up in that file with a certain setup…but that undid it for normal setup

Thank you sir! working fine now with the ‘y’ version of this morning.

Incidently the GPS capture is now working fine with my $99 DeLorme Earthmate USB GPS receiver. Thanks again.


thats good news :slight_smile: