Customsubject.txt in email

Hi Brian,

Is it possible the customsubject.txt doesn’t work? I checked it to use and made the textfile. There is also a file reportsubject.txt created but the subject of my emails remains “WEATHER REPORT FROM”

if you could email me your settings files
and the customsubject file
i will have look (tomorrow)

Hi Brian,
it is also not working for me! I changed no settings
(in vers 10.14i it worked fine)


i have this working again
10.15n beta
uploading now
(it was becuase of some changes i made when working on the email at a individual time for each email in the list)

Hi Brian,

I tried the latest version but it still shows “Weather report from:” instead of the textfile.



are you using the ftpupd.exe version 7.32 that is inlcuded with the latest version?
i tested and it worked for me

it is working for me too :))


No I didn’t, I just downloaded the exe file, not the complete setup. I’m going to try now…

Ok, it works now. Thanks (again) Brian!



when it comes to ftp issues,fxies, its a good idea to download the full or beta version to get the latest ftpupd.exe version :slight_smile: