I acually didn’t present my question very clearly, and I’m just learning the WD ropes… I am using 1-wire sensors, and I see the extra sensor data being logged properly.
Where I’m stuck is that I am building a custom HTML web site, and I’m reporting daily min/max, then monthly, then all time (or YTD). I have found the custom tags for daily, monthly, and yearly temps, baro, humidity, etc.
But…I can’t find custom tags for “extra sensor” average/extreme/records (seems they aren’t retained and mapped to a custom tag). So… I thought i could record my wine cellar temp as soil, for example, then rename it on the web page. However, I can’t find custom tags for soil other than %maxsoiltemp% and %minsoiltemp%.
Ideally, one piece of the custom page would look something like this (minus the html formatting!):
Cellar Temperatures min max
Today 55F 56F
Month To Date 52 57
on Day 9/9 9/24
Year To Date 52 59
on Day 2/14 8/16
So, the best solution would be to have custom tags that look something like this:
%dallasextratemp1low% - Today’s Low
%mrecorddallasextratemp1low% - Month to date Low
%mrecorddallasextratemp1lowtime% - Time of MTD Low
%yrecorddallasextratemp1low% - YTD low
%yrecorddallasextratemp1lowtime% - YTD low time
These don’t seem to exist for extra seensors (or soil temp which was my proxy).
As an aside, one of the great uses for 1-wire senors is to log large numbers of temp sensors (data rooms, HVAC systems, etc). There is no other app out there that acquires this data and graphs it (usefully) and presents hi/low data for different time periods, in one integrated package. WD seems to have all of the infrastructure in place.
So, is it possible to either create the custom tags I describe myself in some way, or is it feasible to incorporate this in a future release of WD?
Thanks, and i hope this message is a little clearer!
ps - first shot at the personal page on my weather site is here: http://www.sheltons.net/weather/wx3.html[list][/list:u][list][/list:u]