Custom Screens "resampling" images?

Is the custom screens resampling the output images to a lower resolution?

i cant do anything about that greg, its just the losses that occur, and no, no resampling done at a lower qulity

it looks OK to me, that 2nd picture, and I am sorry that it does not come up to your high standards

Maybe it’s the way IE displays them, or my Sony notebook’s LCD, but apart from the .gif looking just a little lighter I can’t really tell the difference. They both look fine to me.

there is a small loss which I have no control over associated with the capture of the window screen (applies to all WD window/forms images saved to file)

I think it was my problem. My input image was a jpg but I was saving them in gif format. I switched to jpg output and it looks as good coming out as it did going in. So my “high standards” are satisfied. :oops: Thanks for the reply.

well there you go :wink: