Custom Screen

I tried to experiment with custom screen 1.
I increased so much some dials, it can not be handled anymore.
It doesn’t want to reset either. I have the following error in the Program log:

ERROR: Param

yes, that sounds like out of memory problem
did that come about with the setting up of just the 1 custom screen?
try using regedit.exe
and search for wdisplayftp.reg in the registry
then search for the key, custom view (and others similar)
and delete all references to that

Hello Brian.
I can’t find those references to custom screens in wdisplayftp.reg
With version WD10.20s still the same geant screen which gives the same program error log as in my above post. #-o

I think Brian means the contents of WDISPLAY.INI in your WINDOWS or WINNT directory??

I have alll the following in mine referring to my custom screen

[custom view]
last custtag1 left=12
last custtag1 top=2
last custtag2 left=252
last custtag2 top=8
last custtag3 left=213
last custtag3 top=131
last custtag4 left=274
last custtag4 top=70
last custtag5 left=122
last custtag5 top=30
last custtag6 left=425
last custtag6 top=80
last custtag7 left=33
last custtag7 top=30
last custtag8 left=329
last custtag8 top=79
last custtag9 left=359
last custtag9 top=347
last custtag10 left=337
last custtag10 top=118
last custtag11 left=337
last custtag11 top=134
last custtag12 left=330
last custtag12 top=60
last custtag13 left=413
last custtag13 top=60
last custtag14 left=147
last custtag14 top=106
last custtag15 left=149
last custtag15 top=138
last custtag16 left=147
last custtag16 top=144
last custtag17 left=359
last custtag17 top=507
last custtag18 left=359
last custtag18 top=522
last custtag19 left=360
last custtag19 top=535
last custtag20 left=407
last custtag20 top=7
last custtag21 left=353
last custtag21 top=8
last custtag22 left=330
last custtag22 top=97
last custtag23 left=313
last custtag23 top=20
last gust left=25
last gust top=15
last av left=433
last av top=23
last dir left=265
last dir top=62
last temp left=814
last temp top=18
last rain left=249
last rain top=33
last value1 left=224
last value1 top=216
last value2 left=360
last value2 top=216
last baroplot left=561
last baroplot top=213
last temphumplot left=552
last temphumplot top=494
last image1 left=15
last image1 top=112
last image2 left=14
last image2 top=46
last real left=560
last real top=728
last main graph left=
last main graph top=
last web left=16
last web top=617
last stations left=5
last stations top=1008
last gust width=184
last gust height=154
last av width=184
last av height=154
last dir width=124
last dir height=109
last dir width 2=77
last dir height 2=77
last temp width=72
last temp height=182
last temp width2=171
last temp height2=154
last rain width=39
last rain height=90
last value1 width=67
last value1 height=20
last value2 width=67
last value2 height=20
last baroplot width=431
last baroplot height=261
last temphumplot width=424
last temphumplot height=251
last image1 width=186
last image1 height=36
last image2 width=91
last image2 height=60
last real width=401
last real height=282
last main graph width=289
last main graph height=298
last web width=0
last web height=0
last window width=530
last window height=183
last window left=271
last window top=148
last background width=505
last background height=157
custtag1 vis=yes
custtag2 vis=yes
custtag3 vis=yes
custtag4 vis=no
custtag5 vis=yes
custtag6 vis=no
custtag7 vis=yes
custtag8 vis=yes
custtag9 vis=no
custtag10 vis=yes
custtag11 vis=yes
custtag12 vis=yes
custtag13 vis=yes
custtag14 vis=no
custtag15 vis=no
custtag16 vis=yes
custtag17 vis=no
custtag18 vis=no
custtag19 vis=no
custtag20 vis=yes
custtag21 vis=yes
custtag22 vis=yes
custtag23 vis=yes
gustdial vis=no
avdial vis=no
dirdial vis=no
outdoortempdial vis=no
raintank vis=yes
stations vis=no
value1 vis=no
value2 vis=no
baroplot vis=no
temphumplot vis=no
image1 vis=yes
image2 vis=yes
imagescreen vis=yes
realgraph vis=no
imageback vis=no
last arrown width=34
last arrown height=33
last arrown left=107
last arrown top=-283
last arrowne left=144
last arrowne top=-263
last arrowe left=175
last arrowe top=-217
last arrowse left=153
last arrowse top=-171
last arrows left=112
last arrows top=-157
last arrowsw left=51
last arrowsw top=-179
last arroww left=48
last arroww top=-217
last arrownw left=52
last arrownw top=-266
last custtag24 left=-6
last custtag24 top=47
last image3 left=111
last image3 top=46
last image4 left=100
last image4 top=354
last image3 width=90
last image3 height=60
last image4 width=120
last image4 height=237
custtag24 vis=no
clock vis=no
image3 vis=yes
image4 vis=no
last clock left=894
last clock top=4
outdoortempdial vis new=no
cust tag21 font value=16777215 -12 Verdana 0 96 9 ynnn
cust tag21 string=%time%
cust tag21 string before=
cust tag1 font value=65280 -21 Verdana 0 96 16 ynnn
cust tag1 string=%customscreenownlabelusethistag%
cust tag1 string after=
cust tag1 string before=Horfield, Bristol, UK
cust tag2 font value=16777215 -12 Verdana 0 96 9 ynnn
cust tag2 string=%date%
cust tag24 font value=8388608 -48 Verdana 0 96 36 ynnn
cust tag24 string before=
cust tag24 string=%temp%
back colour=8388608
update freq=60
web vis=no
last image1 name=C:\Documents and Settings\MH\My Documents\My Webs\MAH\weather\conditionscolour.jpg
last image2 name=C:\Documents and Settings\MH\My Documents\My Webs\MAH\weather\forecasticon.gif
last image3 name=C:\Documents and Settings\MH\My Documents\My Webs\MAH\weather\forecasticonstation.gif
cust tag4 string before=Current
cust tag4 font value=16777215 -13 Verdana 0 96 10 ynnn
cust tag4 string=%customscreenownlabelusethistag%
cust tag5 string=%customscreenownlabelusethistag%
cust tag5 string before=Forecast
cust tag5 font value=16777215 -13 Verdana 0 96 10 ynnn
cust tag24 string after=

Thanks Bristolwx,
Can I also erase the title between brackets [Custom View]???

not sure about that one?! Brian may know

yes, that is also another section in the wdisplay.ini for the custom screen settings

Thanks :lol:

i now have that reset erasing that section now too …but it still might leave some things behind, so a manual erase is a good idea too