I’m a Weather Display / Weather-Watch newbie who has had a difficult time figuring out why my baby step of getting wxlocal.html / wx.html to function as designed.
NOTE: You can skip to the bottom of this posting looking for **** Start Here **** for what I believe is the real cause of my issue! I had already written most of this when I just discovered what I think is the problem. I have some questions at the bottom and that is what I need some help with from those of you who are experienced in weather-display. The issue being - customized webpage and usage of tags. I have to add that I’m really, really, impressed with the capabilities of this software Brian has developed. I’ve been using VWS for 20 years and I believe this is going to be an excellent replacement since VWS has become “obsolete”. So many features and capabilities. Just a HUGE learning curve.
I’m leaving the rest of this post I started intact. Because like many other that have come before me - have or had the same issues I’ve been encountering. I believe/hoping my posting will help others that still might be new to WD are issues and resolutions that seems so many other new users seem to have and are related to customized webpages and the techniques for solving are scattered amongst many postings.
Yesterday, and finally after weeks of experimenting, I’ became successful in solving one of my priorities in the use of WD. The creation and updating by WD of of my 1st html page. Which will display my WH31 sensors thru the GW2000B. The steps to uploading to my server will be next, then on to my main webpage which will reflect my existing VWS main webpage and reporting of my Vantage Pro 2 weather station parameters. Success. The temperature sensors were displaying correctly yesterday when I finally was able in getting the right settings setup in WD to update my wx.html file from my wxlocal.html template file. Both that are in my webfiles folder. But for reasons unknown it stopped working today. But now I’m wondering if the data tags being reported yesterday were correctl- I just thought it was because it was simply working. In diagnosing the problem today I discovered that even though I have it set to update and upload every minute, it wasn’t updating the tags in the wx.html file. Does anyone have a similar problem, or know how to fix this issue?
Here’s some of the details:
I’m running the program as an Administrator.
wx.html is not showing my correct termperature data.
I have in my webfiles folder a template named wxlocal.html
I also have in my webfiles folder a file named wx.html.
WD is updating this wx.html file every minute, as it should, when looking at the windows file date/time stamps in my windows folder.
While testing with different options, I learned that if I made a simple text change to the template wxlocal.html it did in fact get reflected in the wx.html file when opened with my browser. So I know that wd is in fact updating the wx.html file
However, the tags were NOT be updated and here is some of the things I was doing in an attempt to get working.
For the file #22 wxlocal.html I have green dots for file create and file upload.
Per one previously posted topic long time ago, Windy2 said to “make sure to have the override switch on”
It is on. I have toggled it off, restarted wd, toggled it back on, restarted wd and the tags are still not be updated.
I have rebooted windows.
I have “I am running my own webserver, and no FTP needed” checked in the tab “Real Time Client FTP…”
I have clicked on “Update html file now” in the Web Files Setup #2" tab
I have "Use html instead of htm in tab “Custom Web Page Setup” in Webfiles/Web Page Setup
I have “Main On” turned on and green and upload timers set at 5 minutes.
I do have “use these settings” set to on.
I’ve tried selecting “upload this file now” with no success.
I’ve tried “save this file now”
Advanced settings for Creation / Upload of wxlocal.html is shown
I have Override On and Main On (both green) in tab “Other FTP Servers Setup” in the Customize Interet and File Creation Setup - Web Site Configurations - Web Files/Web Page…
FYI. At this point I’m doing my learning/testing using just my local windows 11 pro pc with weather display 10.37S152 installed and using FireFox browser and a couple of tries with edge browser.
So I’m not attempting to FTP at this point in time.
I’ve cleared cache many times.
If you skipped reading the not so important details above
***** Start Here *****
I have 5 questions I’m hoping someone can answer.
Ah ha! Am I on to something.
I found a file named wittboys.txt file which the cron w1000 appears to use - its reporting does reflects my sensors data accurately.
I originally thought WD was using data from this wittboys.txt file. Maybe not??? Point is I don’t know???
I just discovered there are two sets of clientrawxxxx.txt files.
One set in my folder wdisplay and one set in webfiles! The set in wdisplay has the current date / time stamps. The set in webfiles is old.
I can’t / haven’t figured out what determines which folder these data files need to be in ???
So am I to assume that these files in “wdisplay” are the one that WD uses to create customized webpages ???
Why or should there be another set in webfiles ???
I’m using a GW2000B console.
My hope was to use tags representing temp and humidity for my 8 WH31 sensors in my customized webpage. But there doesn’t seem to be any tags specifically for the GW1000, 1100, 2000 consoles. Is this correct ??? only temperature %extratemp1% - %extratemp8%.
Is there a webpage or utility program or something in all of WD that will read one of the clientrawxxxx.txt files and display a page consisting of a description and the value of a given parameter for use troubleshooting ???
Sure appreciate any answers you can provide.
Thanks. CloudyDaveww