%currentmonthtodatefilename% tag no longer works correctly


I have the following 2 year old html code in my wxlocal file:

  • Current
    monthly details

  • [/code:1]
    It now gets converted to the following in my index.htm generated by WD:

  • <a href="June2004.htm<INPUT TYPE=“button” VALUE=“Go"onClick=“jumpBox(this.form.elements[0])”>”>Current
    monthly details 

  • [/code:1]

    Where is the extra

    <INPUT TYPE=“button” VALUE="Go"onClick=“jumpBox(this.form.elements[0])”>
    coming from?


    i was suppoed to have added that to:
    as it was missing

    fixing now, uploading a new 10.12z beta now

    Fixed :slight_smile: