I’M running DA too; just have it set to display small icons.
I just noticed the descrip of —.
I’M running DA too; just have it set to display small icons.
I just noticed the descrip of —.
Has anyone checked that there is a 1:1 relationship between the available icons and the available descriptions?
I don’t think that’s an issue because sometimes ‘cloudy’ text matches ‘cloudy’ icon. The same for the other common icons/text. Also, the instructions linked to the 1st post here are for this setup-script. I also think, that because there are so many users of the saratoga templates/alt ajax dashbrd, that there would be more posting problems if they didn’t match up; unless they don’t realize the problem.
Here’s what has been working for me. Davis vp2/solar.
I posted the 2 screen shots that I had to make changes to, as compared to the recommended setup.
Red Xs denote deselecting those options recommended in the link http://discourse.weather-watch.com/t/26377.
I’m going to add a note to that FAQ you have linked because it pre-dates the “universal” icon setup and a number of changes that were made to the icon logic.
Thank you niko.
Also realize, I had to adjust the % values in Solar Sensor setup THRESHOLDS/ICONS to the following to align more closely w/ METARS. I think that was part of the prob.
Unfortunately, as soon as the solar came way above the mostly cloudy level to 80%-partly cloudy, the icon reports correctly (pcldy), but the text still reports metar (mcldy). It would be pointless to up the mcdy level.
I also noticed the icon manual override under “Universal Setup” doesn’t work.
There almost seems to be confusion, between the program and operator, on what to use (for icons/conditions text) and when.
Today we had a full range a sky conditions, from full sun to overcast. What I noticed was during full sun, the icon was set to sun. For periods of ‘some clouds’ (second setting) I got a partly cloudy icon. For periods of ‘for clouds’ (third setting) I also got the partly cloudy icon. for periods of ‘many clouds’ (fourth setting) I got the mostly cloudy icon. Overcast gave me the overcast icon. It appears that conditions falling in either the second or third level produce the same partly cloudy icon. I also noticed that clientraw never called for icon 9 as it should for conditions falling in the second level.
When my metar indicated ‘a few clounds’ (mostly sunny) I de-selected the set icons from solar setting and the icon did change to mostly sunny and clientraw called for icon 9. Based on this, I once again feel that there is a bug in WD when controlling icons from solar.
I’ve not really looked into this but I have noticed that my Alt dashboard can be showing the partly cloudy icon, with “Cloudy / Moderate Drizzle” written under it, when we have rain here. WDL will be correctly showing the rain icon.
My initial thinking was that the dashboard script was only seeing the “Cloudy” and not seeing the “/ Moderate Drizzle” part of the condition. But that wouldn’t be the case if they are getting the data from different parts of the clientraw file. :?
I’ll keep more of an eye on mine and see what I can come up with.
[quote author=MadALwx link=topic=37938.msg342336#msg342336 date=1253305456]
I think part of the WD Solar sensor problem w/ updating the template icons is the fact that, in the parser, mostly cloudy (icon3) conflicts w/ the ajax-dashboard.php which, points to sct.jpg
$iconList = array(
"skc.jpg", // 0 imagesunny.visible
"nskc.jpg", // 1 imageclearnight.visible
"bkn.jpg", // 2 imagecloudy.visible
"sct.jpg", // 3 imagecloudy2.visible
I use alt dashbrd. I copied the cloudy.jpg from \forecast to the \ajax-images and I changed sct.jpg above to reference cloudy.jpg. However, when first loading the pg, the cloudy.jpg icon is visible, then ajax updates the icon to the incorrect sct.jpg. The text condition shows correct-mostly cloudy.
Nighttime image attached. The txt doesnt match the icon, the text is correct, but the icon isnt.
Heres what the parser says. I also have the night time set to my local metar.
048 Icon Type Z 1 (Clear Night)
049 Weather Desc L Night time/Dry/Overcast
i got it to work. Now hopefully the settings i changed wont mess up my daytime icon getting set from the solar.
048 Icon Type Z 13 (Night Overcast)
049 Weather Desc L Night time/Dry/Overcast
What changes?
In the Summary setup, then “set icon from metar” tab, i checked the top box. Ive never had anything checked in that section before. So that seems to have worked.
I’ve always had ‘Use dowloaded METAR…’ checked.
Since changing the icon in ajaxWDwx.js and ajax-dashboard.php,
$iconList = new Array(
"skc.jpg", // 0 imagesunny.visible
"nskc.jpg", // 1 imageclearnight.visible
"cloudy.jpg", // 2 imagecloudy.visible
"bkn.jpg", // 3 imagecloudy2.visible
I’ve noticed an improvement;
wd shows ovrcst @>5% and so does my pg icon/txt,
wd shows cloudy @>26% and sometimes I show cloudy/mcldy w/ my pg icon/txt,
wd shows mostly cloudy @>51% and so does my pg icon/txt,
I no longer see a partly cloudy/bkn.jpg when it’s cloudy/mcloudy.
I am using Mostly Sunny where you have partly cloudy and Partly Cloudy where you are using mostly cloudy. Both are producing the correct description, however the icons for both are the same “partly cloudy icon.” The mostly sunny (few cloudy) icon should be displayed during mostly sunny conditions (your partly cloudy setting). Mostly cloudy and overcast are working as expected.
Ok, I found another problem… we just had some rain. During the ‘recent rain’ period, the icon displayed mostly cloudy. During the ‘stopped raining’ period the icon displayed was cloudy. I thought that the ra1.jpg ( icon 34) should be displayed at least through one of these periods.
Are you waiting a bit for it to update in wd, then at least 30-60sec through ajax?
Yes. The problem is letting the solar setup control the icons.
It appears that when using the solar setup to control the icons, with the station overrides rain setting ticked, clientraw calls for incorrect icons:
048 Icon Type Z 1 (Clear Night) should be 34 (stopped raining)
049 Weather Desc L Night/Stopped Raining/overcast -
048 Icon Type Z 19 (Partly Cloudy) should be 9 (imagemainlyfine.visible)
049 Weather Desc L Mostly Sunny