Costumscreen tags

i do have the very new a nice version 10.20b
just work on the costums screens as it have a very nice goodie > thanks Brian!
but i can see now > that sometimes the costums tags are a little mad > please see om the big banner
15min later
and again 15min back again to

you will see at 22:45 that the small banner shows the proper time > only the big banner mess up time to date.
but both have the same tag and i dit not work on WD by doing this screenshots> been lucky because of diffrent browser windows.
i dit see this on the other costums screens too> a little radom the thing.
here you see all my costums screens at once >
any idee?
best regards

very stylish custom screens, great job!

I am not sure what you are saying is wrong though?
there are now 10 custom screens available

Wow, good job!

I am not sure what you are saying is wrong though?

I think they should all show the time, but in the 22:45 sample the horizontal banner is showing the date instead of the time, it shows the time at 22:30 and 23:00

hey thanks both of you, but more thanks to the software and brian > who does this smart things in a fly.

nikoshepherd got it (sorry for my way of speaking but it midnight here and i do not see anything anymore > i’m dead > i need my bed ;))
the 22:45 hour mess up the time tag to date tag> but you see at the small banner(same pic) > it does not do it over there> and both are the same tags and updated at the same time. 8O

good night > need to sleep :wink:

very very nice custom screens - nice colour/graphics and choice of font.

and nice and warm/hot - mmmmmmmmmmm - I need a holiday :smiley:

thanks again, but any idea why it mess up sometime, just see even costumstag1 :lol: in the pictures> wd like doing this after a restart.
i’m the only one with this error?
best regards

uuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh, just look at my signature> it tells it all.
all costums screens are mixed up.
customs screen 2 is now 3> customs screen 1 ist webcamimage as you can see in signature.
whats happend? using 10.20m
best regards

went back to 10.20f today, as the costumsscreens went wired today, and my still webcam image showed the animated webcam image.
now it seems ok again, still watching.
best regrads

i still do have probs with the costums screen, it does what it wants, wanted to go back to 19o > as it seems to work for some people.
but this version have a problem with costumsscreen3 not uploading.

i have streamlined and imroved and now less memory use and hopefullu less exception errors and crashes with the custom screens
in a new 10.20o zip…try that (but there might be a few bugs , hopefully not though)

sorry Brian, same thing > it mixe up the screens :?

hope you will find the solution
best regards

which tag that have in use that is causing trouble?
one thing to try:
duplicate the time or date by using the individual tags for the time and date (i.e the day tag, month tag, hour tag, etc

Brian is not a tag what makes trouble, its, the costumsscreens them self.

costums screen 1 stays now 1
cosntumsscreen2 change sometimes to costumsscreen3
costumsscreen3 change sometimes to webcamimage

so as in my signature> this banner change sometimes to the webcam image.
but it’s radom > i can’t see it all the time.
best regards

the change that I did should improve things like that…
did you try a new 10.20o ?
maybe you have a cached version…
or are those problems described just new?
(i am confused :oops: #-o

hi Brian > i have 2 20o versions :slight_smile:
one i download yesterday, one this morning, but both have not the same file size, so i tryed now both, and both mixed up the costumsscreens.
problem is > that it have mostly the screens right, but just sometimes> bang and the wrong costumsscreen popup.
i do nothing …and by the next update ~15min later, it is fine again.
just try to see my signature> this is costumsscreen3 > when it get mixed up> you will see the big webcam image.

before it was a tag problem > but this new problem is thins ~nearly one week?!

as i see by bristolwx, he works with 20o too.
i see that he use costumsscreen.gif > same for me > this one does not get mixed, but costumsscreen2-3.gif.
so lets get closer to the prob, i can if you like > make 10 costumsscreen and then we watch out what will be happend brian?!

best regards
p.s. with the other mauritius WD user> will it be posible to get his contact adresse? or can you ask him to contact me?
like to exchange some info.

just found a bug with the customscreen5.gif creation
uploading a new 10.20o now

also, i will now be able to add custom screen 6 to 10 for uploading (after the big re work and simplifaction)

hi Brian > so i can downloaded just now? :slight_smile:
because i still see 20o.

best regards

not ready yet, i will let you know

try a new 10.20o now… #-o