Correcting All Time low Readings

Can somebody advise me how I can correct readings from previous months, when I was looking at my all time readings, I have two that are totally incorrect.
They are
-30.6 reading at 17:22 15Apr2004
-33.2C reading at 09:02 5jul2004
I have looked at the NOAA reports and tried to see if I can correct the data in the logfile, but it doesn’t show the low readings here.
I see from various thread you can correct current month, but not how to correct previous months.
So can somebody advise me how I can go back to the two months in question and correct the data?

Thanks in anticipation

action, enter your own all time record values
and there you can set the month, for the parameter to set the value for…
and click on set, then OK to save the values

Aha, how dumb of me, not to realise that each setting can be adjusted accordingly, to the month in question.
Oops, my apologies.
Thanks will do.
(Boy you can do so much with this program, your forever on a learning curve!!)

So you need to know the previous record low (or whatever) and the time/date it occurred? This could take a while to find couldn’t it? It would be nice to edit the bad data and have the program recalculate all of the actual all-time records.

you could find that from:
view, averages/extreme
then year to date
or select the month you think that records was reached
then it will show the time/date there

also, when you covert a log file to a graph file ( to reserect corrupted/bad data)
wd checks for any all time records from that data…so yes it does do it auto