Once again, the end of month crash did something to my WD data causing me to lose trend data for September. I verified the datafile was present, then converted the file 92004lg.txt but still had no graphs or trend data. I then attempted convert the graph file to a log file and it appears I lost the whole months data. Is there any way to recover my lost data?
92004lg.txt is 1kb
month92004.inf is 1483kb
I am so sick of trying to repair my system on the first of the month…
i had a problem last month with the graph creation
1 i found the fist time i tried to convert a log txt file it did not work as yours but i have found a numbered unassociated file in the logfile folder created at the time i did it. it worked ok at second try
2 your databackup92004 file in databackup folder has a copy of your 92004lg.txt file, unzip and look in wdisplay/ logfile folder for it
well, i only had 1 other report of a end of month crash this month…
now, if the convert log file to graph didntt work correctly, then i would not have tried to go backwards and then convert the bad graph file to a log file and wipe the logfile…
do you have wd set to back up the data?
(see under setup,control panel data back)
as hocorrin sais, you would then have a zip back up
since you have been having this end of month (i do not know why at this stage…maybe a reinstall of wd might be needed?)…then maybe it would have been prudent to have backed up the september logfile first…
anwway, sorry wd spat the dummy again for you…
the other person who had it happen every time, said 10.17r was ok for him…but it was not for you…scratch head…
i left the post to see if others had the same issue with the end of the month crash…none…unless they just dont bother to report it???
(phillipe hawk is the other person affected, but i am working with him trying to reproduce and narrow it down)
I have a couple of numbered files in the logfile directory and I am going to attempt to convert them and see if I can resurrect the September data.
Question, should the numbered file be renamed to 92004lg.txt?
I think I should move WD to one of my other computers. Brian, would you issue me another serial # if I move it?
Are there directions for moving everything to another computer so I do not lose my historical data? I seem to remember a thread on the topic and will look for it after I attempt the convert files…
also, as test, as wd is now,what happens when you go action, reset daily extremes, do the daily reset now?
On the first of th month and I attempt this WD crashes. I just performed the reset and it appears to have done the reset. On the main WD display, all the extreme conditions zero’d out and then display the current conditions.