Console WD - Downloading station data

just an update
I have this working, for a Davis VP (usb data logger)
but there is one problem I yet to resolve: the data logger is sending the data from the start of the history stored instead of from the time/date requested…

Brian, I could use start of history because I got my Logger a couple of month after setting up my station.

yeah, its still usefull…as the program will only use the data from when it needed…will just take a while to scroll through all the data…
so I can get this update available for you to try :slight_smile:


let it run…and get data…and wait for a minute or so…so that it writes to the ini file the last time it was running ([Davis download] section)
then exit
then add to the config.txt file
Do history start up=yes

Download and in stalled new file, doesn’t start. which version of Linux should it be running under.

did you unzip to where consolewd is installed already?
this version is for normal 32 bit Linux (e,g Ubuntu)

Yes I did unzip, I am running Wheezy, if that is a problem I can image a new card, it’s going to be a few, busy at the moment.

do you mean you are running on a raspberry pi?

Yes this I what I have running on raspberry pi.

pi@raspbCW10 ~ $ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME=“Raspbian GNU/Linux 7 (wheezy)”
NAME=“Raspbian GNU/Linux”
VERSION=“7 (wheezy)”

This is what I followed to setup my SD card

If I have to make changes to make it easier for you to help out I can do that.

what I posted was comiled or normal Linux on a pc
I will need to compile for raspberry pi on that

Brian when I get home tonight I’ll give it a try. :smiley:

Ok so unzip file placed into consolewd file and sort works. It seems to stop or maybe I should let it run longer


you should see history data come in…it will ask again if it does not arrive

Got history data coming in for the month. :smiley:

Is time/date requested a possibility?


So I went and looked at my data this moring and looks like it is not working.