Consecutive Days No Rain

Wife splashed water that hit my rain bucket and caused WD to register rain. I have removed I believe all instances in the logs and such that any rain happened, but, I cannot set the number of days without rain.

From offsets and rain adjustment I hit the “Set New days with no rain” button and enter 162 then OK and Yes and everything appears ok until the next update of the webpage when the counter resets to 0.

Is there something else I need to check/tick/edit/whatever to make this work?


i did not actualy hook the current days with no rain to that button
so try restarting wd…to have it take hold

(i will fix for the next version)

162 days without rain - how nice!

but not nice for plants/gardens etc?!

That’s summer, Northern California style :slight_smile:

6 months of no weather though

Brian… for those of us who live in wetter climes, and are obsessed with rain. Is there a variable recorded for days consecutive rain and or days of rain in a month, that can either be displayed in WDL or in an XML file

no…but you could have the rain gauge in WDL point to a URL to show all that info…e.g raindetail.gif
(i.e you have to draw the line in the sand somwhwere with wdl, yes?

ok - as i said I am still learning WD and am not always aware of all the things that are available… thanks

to get the raindetail.gif created and uploaded…its in the customise internet and file creation seup
(which I recommend people to use (you just need to make sure to set the file create time and the file upload times)

and or raindetail.gif is uploaded with the daily averages/extreme upload anyway
(as long as you have that enabled (its on auto)

I may be wrong here, but doesnt raindetail.gif show values for rain in a month and the last 7 days of rain. I was after the number of wet days this month. As an opposite to consecutive dry days

i will add that to that display
(the way i see it there is not much point in having something that only updates once a day in wdl …if it can be shown in wd …)
if we add too mcuh data to the wdl data, then it will get too slow…so i am thinking we need to draw the line some where…and data that only updates once a day is not high priority for wdl…if it can be shown in a wed image…
just my thougts

yep - I agree about WDL . My original request was for the consecutive days of rain to be in the XML file which would then be available to update my longer term data

i will add a days of rain this month as a custom tag
so that you can add it to your xml page

thank you Brian

Hi Brian…
Since this is sort of on this topic I will put it here…
Is there a way for me to change in the NOAA style report the value on the bottom that says days of 90>?? I would rather it say days of 100> since I live here in sunny hot Mesa Arizona… :twisted:

OK…also…what about in the NOAA style report having consecutive days with no rain recorded…
I already do this in an excel spreadsheet where I export all the WD data to but it would be cool to have it in WD…

Just a thought…

bump…just wanted Brian to take a look at hthe last 3 posts or so… wasn’t sure if you did…

I messed up counting the julian days, the total consecutive days without rain should be 119 and not 162. It hasn’t rained here since May 18th. I mistakenly looked up the julian date for March instead of May… :oops:


did you see there is a days of rain this month custom tag?
also its in the clientrawextra file now too…

Hi… read elsewhere that you have added the days no rain info to the clientrawextra file. Have you added it to the wdfulldata.xml file yet?
