Clientviewer.exe is not running here

Hi brian

I have been running with 1012R for since you opdated it the second time. It’s runs very good with the graph. No bug there.
But - when I restart WD, the clintviewer.exe is only running for 45 sek. and then it closes down. THe same with the wachdog.

I don’t know if it’s a local problem? When I downgrade to a lower version, then it’s the same… So I think it came with the first 1012R-version?

Anybody else has that problem?

I love weather display live!


the trick is to wait 2 minutes before restarting wd, to let the clientrealtimeftp.exe to close auto
or just start it up manualy anyway (doule click that flash icon in the folder where wd is installed)

You Solved the problem :smiley:
