Clientrawrealtimeftp.exe v2.0 problem

Sheduled log off from real time ftp, will re login Reseting the FTP ABOR ERROR: 101: You cannot change the RemoteHost at this time. A connection is in progress. at time/date 12:40:32 AM 4/8/2004 426 Nothing to abort. ERROR: 101: You cannot change the RemoteHost at this time. A connection is in progress. at time/date 12:41:32 AM 4/8/2004 ERROR: 101: You cannot change the RemoteHost at this time. A connection is in progress. at time/date 12:42:32 AM 4/8/2004 ERROR: 101: You cannot change the RemoteHost at this time. A connection is in progress. at time/date 12:43:32 AM 4/8/2004

yes, its a work in progress…working on it…
i have a new version, 2.2 out now…shoulld be better…
please post stuff to do with the weather display live in the weather display live section of the forum

the latest version of wd and the 1.3 version of the separate clientraw ftp .exe I am getting good feenback on
is it ok for you too?

hi bwawsc
i was just looking at your web site
i see you have the large summary image option in use
did you intend that?
untick if you didnt, in the summary image and icon setup (use large size)

i see your flash site looks to be ok :wink:

I’ll try changing the Large Size and see what it looks like - I don’t think I’ve seen it any other way.

Yes, the Flash page seems ok now. I set it up and left for Hawai’i, checked it once from there and it was still updating so counted myself lucky.

counted myself lucky

seems you have lost all confidence in my abilities!

seems you have lost all confidence in my abilities!
It was my PC's ability to stay up, the power company's ability to serve me, the phone company's ability to provide service and my ISP's ability to support me that I was concerned about. The real reason I checked my website from Maui was because I couldn't dial into my answering machine to check messages - the fact that my website had current weather data told me that the power was still on and the phone lines were still up.

ok, thats OK :wink: :lol:

Hi Bill,

I get the following error when connecting to an LDAP server through VB:
“You cannot change the RemoteHost at this time. A connection is in progress.”

I noticed that you have a solution for this. Can you please help me to figure out why this error is generated and how did you fix it?

Thanks in advance.


that error will occur if a FTP program is still trying to log into a FTP sever, but has not yet,…but is then instructed to logon to another FTP server or change directory on the currect one or quit from the FTP or similar…i.e the root cause is not being able to log onto the FTP server

Many thanks for the prompt reply. Appreciated.
I hope you don’t mind if I get back to you with more questions on this topic.