Clientraw parser

krelvinaz (Kevin) has kindly made his clientraw file parser available again for us all to use. The parser is an excellent way to see the data held in the various clienraw files produced by Weather Display. Kevin tries very hard to keep the parser up to date with all the change that Brian makes to the file from WD.

The parser is at… You’ll need to tell it where your clientraw files are stored, e.g. without including the clientraw.txt file name (a mistake I often make!)

Thanks to Kevin for making this available to us all.

Updated new URL

If you have questions about the the parser, send me a PM

Updated for changes made in version of WD past 10.28N

WD Clientraw parser has been updated to reflect the changes in Weather-Display 10.29i

Other changes:

Added calculation for the Lettered Wind Direction (used to just show Degrees)
Added a calculation on the Cloud Height, which WD shows as FT so that it shows Meters and Feet.

WD Clientraw parser has been updated to reflect the changes in Weather-Display 10.32H


  • Addition of unknown value to clientraw.txt
  • Addition of Year to clientraw.txt

    [li]Addition of Last 24 hours Humidity to clientrawextra.txt
    Assumed to be maximum % for that hour.[/li]

    [li]Addition of Last 31 days Humidity to clientrawdaily.txt
    Assumed to be maximum % for that day.[/li]

that unknown is maximum gust in the last minute
